Results for "Garden of Hope Children's Ministry"

Wire posts

    • Kuruse ● Grace Chosen Children Ministry

      He brethren, praise God. Am proud to meet you in Jesus name. This is Kuruse Ronald Mwesigwa from Jinja Uganda, am the director of Grace Chosen Children Ministry Uganda. Am taking care of orphans and less privileged children. God bless you all

      • Amule Isaac RCM

        By Amule Isaac RCM

        Fan helping out these young orphans while making more space available in your house .you can donate any unwanted or underused thing for the boot sale .if you have any thing to offer please contact us by dropping us a massage on here .
        We will take...More

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          By Paul Kemp Administrator

          Please consider assisting us with Fundraising for our Ministry to the orhan children of Uganda

          • Hope and Rescue Missions International

            Hello friends and whoever feels concerned about the life and well being of orphans. I greet you all friends. I am hereby kindly requesting you all the whoever may be having some desire to help us raise the $443.00 USD for the orphans. We are in need...More

            • Hope and Rescue Missions International

              Hello my dear friend, i greet you all in the mighty name of our lord Jesus Christ. how are you doing and your life generally in the new month of October. we are coming towards the end of the year, let us thank God for he gift of life. really we are...More

              • Hope and Rescue Missions International

                Hello friends, greetings to you all in the mighty name of our lord Jesus Christ. I thank you all for the good work that you do in the world that has glorified the name of our creator. I welcome come your helping hand for the children at hope orphans...More

                • Kuruse ● Grace Chosen Children Ministry

                  Brethren, the Bible says, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress,” James 1:27
                  So let's remember what God wants us to do, just imagine if the orphan was your child. And...More

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    By Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Restoration of God's Glory Church Children's Ministry New Project Fundraiser

                    • Mwiri K Emmanuel

                      By Mwiri K Emmanuel

                      Hope Orphan Centre-Iganga
                      Request for Prayers and Funding in a Time of Need

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        By Paul Kemp Administrator

                        Thank you Billy John Waiswa, for your kind words. It is the love and determination of citizens of Uganda like yourself who are truly transforming Uganda in the very presence of the Orphan crises your Nation is now facing. Godspeed to all of you in...More