Results for "thy body will be full of light"

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    • Hope and Rescue Missions International

      Funding Campaign

      .         Hope Orphans Centre-Iganga     ...rt from the world communities. Please if you will help to remedy this situation by assisting those will...want is to struggle of the life of someone who will...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Voices of the Prophets on Quora Index of Questions Answered

        ...ated them, do they have laws, will they get paradise and do they...e an article or a book that enlightened you and gave you an inte...more about spirituality and enlightenment? In the Bible, why c...t;If thine eye be single, thy body will be full of light"? Why do people believ...

        • Hope and Rescue Missions International


            OUR MESSAGE TO THE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD OF FRIENDS ...s of life we welcome them and it will be a great contribution. We a...ificate in education from Bishop Wills Primary Teachers College. Sh...ages. After she joined Bishop Will...ead these children in a way that will...

          • Susan M Sesay

            Volunteer Information Index Page Save The Young Girls Foundation Sierra Leone

            Volunteer Information Index Page   CONTACT at Save The Young Girls Foundation. We will send you detailed information...d last? You sponsor a child, the child to talk to the child directly which will...

            • Andera Sylivia

              An Appeal to the Good Samaritans of the World from Hope Home Orphans Center

              Fundraising      Hi friends I am Sylvia Andera direct...od and happy one. As well as to give them new Hope in the New Year. With $500.00 It will...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Important Notice to anyone considering joining the Group "The Planetary Reserve Corps of Destiny"

                You are welcome to join this private group only if you are a sinc...;s generation as it was in the days of Jesus of Nazareth.  May the Light of Life guide you forward int...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Guido? Guaido? Neoliberalism's Sacrificial Lamb Scrambles to Prove Himself Worthy of a Name

                  Guido? Guaido? Neoliberalism's Sacrificial Lamb Scrambles to...resident Juan Guido will have the resources he needs t...o support literally any group willing to oppose a regime they di...; the US is unlikely to run a full-scale ground invasion in Vene...five other countries or Trump will...

                  • Andera Sylivia

                    Urgent Request from Hope Home.

                    HOPE HOME ORPHANS CENTER BUGIRI UGANDA     ...ered by the government of Uganda and we do need funds. What the little you can give will...

                    • Robert Walugosi

                      Thank You for your support

                          Hello everyone. We greet you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord....f Jinja, Uganda. We are in need also to buy food at the orphanage that will provide for a full month that will...

                      • Marissa Bodden

                        2019 Trip to Africa

                        ...ay be built, and the children will have a permanent home. When t...e bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you we...measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, that we should...ess fortunate and be salt and light in this world, you will attra...