Results for "Paul Kemp Citizens in Motion"

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    • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

      Funding Required to Send Our Children Back To School

      Funding Required to Send Our Children Back To School The equinox of the world at times&...ou don't know the ways or ask mom Jane from New Jersey, or brother Paul&n...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Voices of the Prophets on Quora Index of Questions Answered

        Voices of the Prophets on Quora What do the new Urantia Revelations and teachings offer to the sincere  truthseeker ? Who...

        • Kato Pare

          More About Me Kato Pare

          Kato Pare I am called Kato pare from a rural area in ibanda...d term, I got a friend who is called Paul Kemp I told him my situation he go...and that I invite people to help me. Paul Kemp become a good friend to me an...have read my story...... NOTE BY Paul Kemp...

          • Billy John Waiswa

            Praying for help and support!

            Hello brethren, I greet in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a humble appeal to you the good citize...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Urantia Uganda August 2020 Presentation Schedule

              Urantia Uganda August 2021 Presentation Schedule Schedule of Pres...troductory Opening Presentation Video by Paul Kemp 11:00 to 11:20 Break Tea...12:00 noon   CONFERENCE CLOSING MESSAGE Paul Kemp&n...

              • Verne J Finucane Jr


                ...ion. Think logically and not emotionally. Try and see the whole p...soon pervade the sentimental emotion-stream of humanity to such an e...elfare and food stamps to its citizens in need. However, it should...e, they then are granted full citizenship rights. I.e.: The right...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  The Great Mother ● Teresa ● Guardian of Destiny

                  The Mother of Charity The Planetary work of Mother Teresa; her lovin...ual liberation. 10...And as we stood in communication I could sense a large motion from behind her, and another...

                  • i Witness NEWS

                    World War III - An Estimate of Consequences by NAN RANDALL "Charlottesville"

                    ...For most people, the obvious emotional crises—grief at leaving...irritated by the noise and commotion of children; children and state governments, the citizens had to rely on the occasion...d into the parking lot of the Citizens Commonwealth Building quite...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      The Great Mother ● Therese ● Guardian of Destiny

                      The Great Mother ● Therese ● Guardian of Destiny The Mother...ual liberation. 10...And as we stood in communication I could sense a large motion from behind her, and another...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        COUNSELING THE RICH MAN

                        COUNSELING THE RICH MAN   5. COUNSELING THE RICH MAN     132:5.1 A certain rich man, a Roman citizen and a Stoic, became greatly int...