Results for "Inspire Family & Friends"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      The Later Childhood of Jesus Ninth & Tenth Years

      ...rous understanding of his own family, and by this time even his pa...mself to the practices of his family. He got along fairly well wit...of this trait because of the friendship of Jacob, a neighbor boy...e Events of the Eleventh & Twelfth Year (5 & 6 AD)...

      • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

        Who Is The Still Point At The Center Within?

        Who Is The Still Point At The Center Within? I AM THAT I AM is the still point at the center within. There...stillness, turn your attention away from the rush of conversations, lists & obligations, & b...

        • Hope and Rescue Missions International

          Naigaga Naume ● My appeal for a helping hand

          Fundraising These children require the good will...E OF THE ORPHANED AFRICAN CHILD Hello my dear friends, PEACE AND HONOR BE...he resources, we were forced to look for help from friends and whoever feels concerned a...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator


            EMBRACE THE APICAL MERISTEM   EMBRACE THE APICAL MERISTEM Those of us serious about expanding the influence of The Urantia Book in our world would do...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Shadow Bars

               Shadow Bars

              • Walwasa Martin


                Activities   OCT Active Programs  Permanent Foster Care for Orphan..., but it also exerts additional economic pressure on the famil...ome for orphaned and vulnerable children, OCT provides a family...

                • Walwasa Martin

                  Please Help

                  Please help About Us   Activities   Ple...roving the lives of a Ugandan family or a child. As a young organiz...n and other volunteers Make friends with children and volunteers...h without the helping hand of friends like you. We indeed pray that...

                  • Marissa Bodden

                    1. Lord's Mercy Foundation Sponsorship Program

                    Lord's Mercy Foundation Sponsorship Program Sponsorship Program   Welcome to The Lord's Mercy Foundation Sponsorship Program!  Spo...

                    • Marissa Bodden

                      3. The Land/Building Project

                      The Land/Building Project Fundraising        The Land/Building Project   Currently, Ronald has opened up his home to t...

                      • Marissa Bodden

                        2. Daily Bread General Funding Program

                        Daily Bread General Funding Program   Daily Bread General Funding&nb...nbsp; Click to see images of our Widows     https://spiritualfamily....