Results for "Projects"

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    • Hope and Rescue Missions International

      ...o plan if we get money to buy food for stock such that it can be used in the periods of food scarcity. 4. It’s also in our plan to set up poultry projects such that our children can be...

      • Hope and Rescue Missions International

        ...o plan if we get money to buy food for stock such that it can be used in the periods of food scarcity. 4. It’s also in our plan to set up poultry projects such that our children can be...

        • Mugweri Philly

 upon you to give us support so that we can also help the remaining 19 Children. The little money that we get from our own income generating projects is channelled to help some of...

          • Hope and Rescue Missions International

            ...g the children with relevant skills and establishing income generating projects v Providing the children basi...ds like food, accommodation, shelter, clothes among other necessities PROJECTS OF THE ORGANIZATION It’s our...

            • Mbabazi Kevin

              ...s, food, medical care, rent, educational sponsorship and also orphange projects. We are are so sad that we haven't received any support since our orphanage projects base on donation. I call anyo...

              • Billy John Waiswa

       and organizations in Uganda have a sustainable food source as our bid to avert famine and absolute poverty. In this video explains one of the projects "Bee Keeping" of the Food For...

                • Tumwijukye simon

                  ...d sincerely desires to become like him, honestly elects to do the will of the Father in heaven. Production There’s a project must be done As projects go, an easy one. Avoidance...

                  • Soren K Vestergaard

                    ...o share some wonderful news! Thanks to the generosity of a major donor, we now have the opportunity to support those dedicated to Urantia-related projects. With this initiative, 25 por...

                    • Tumwijukye simon

                      ...te today they will begin. Will be nice weather until then. Before the storms we must defend. Right now, it’s truly very nice. To start big projects, I’m enticed. But I know the...