Results for "Mission Young Generation Grace Africa Aid Project.MYGGAAP"

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    • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

      What Does The Heart Means To You And Its Purposeful Mission/s? In My Own Understanding......... The heart is likened to be the manuscript/document/book within the body on which the in...

      • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

        Can The essence of our being gives us comprehension and comprehensibility? From your expe...fect good that resides divinely within us and for speedy progressive and productive mission of spre...

        • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

          What living in the spirit can do for us? Please kindly share your thought . My little understanding to this question goes thus........ Living in the spirit can greatly a...

          • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

            Having undiluted and absolute trust in Him is the best. Let us Learn to trust in Him in q...ildren of God." Urantia Book Paper 140:8.3 (1579.5) May we continually "grow in grace, and in t...

            • Billy John Waiswa

              Hello friends, greetings to you all. We are in great need of your support for feeding. Please stand with us.

              • Hope and Rescue Missions International

                CHALLENGES THAT WE FACE AT HOPE ORPHANS CENTRE-IGANGA AND OUR PLANS It’s our humble reques...e help of God to turn our dreams to reality. Comment, like and share to spread our mission. I wish...

                • Hope and Rescue Missions International

                  CHALLENGES THAT WE FACE AT HOPE ORPHANS CENTRE-IGANGA AND OUR PLANS It’s our humble reques...e help of God to turn our dreams to reality. Comment, like and share to spread our mission. I wish...

                  • Marissa Bodden

                    My little Sarah came down with Malaria and by the grace of God, Ronald has received the donation necessary to get her treatment at the hospital and she is now eating and drinking again on the recovery medication!

                    • kasozi martin poster

                      I am Kasozi Martin Poster the Director of Mothers Heart Child Orphanage in Uganda. I am 24 years old, and single. I live in Jinja Uganda, East Africa. I like...

                      • Mwandha Julius

                        suffering is not the end of life, this young man suffered before we started helping him, he suffered from his childhood and it was last year when we helped him and we operated h...