Results for "Christ Care Ministry"

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    • Hope and Rescue Missions International

      Hi my friend, the only way we can make the world conducive for everyone is to offer love and care. We are called to love others and help any in need plus bringing back hope to those without it. Am...

      • Evangelist  George  Kateu

        Hello brothers and sisters in Christ hope you are having a good day and safe from Corona virus

        • Grace hope ministry

          I greet you all in the mighty name of Jesus Christ the son of the living God am here with a noble cause a cause whereby we need you help and support to empower the helpless gro...

          • Godwin Nasser

            Brothers and sisters to this site I kindly request for support I and my family we are not a...days so I kindly request any financial assistance from you my sisters and brothers in Christ....

            • Nayebare Grace

              My name is Nayebare Grace I am 16 years old. I am from Western Uganda in Ibanda distri...nth which is not enough for our family,food, health care and education bills.We lost little sister and brother. In 2018,my mother who cared ab...

              • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                Don't let worry steal your joy! Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situatio...e of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ J...

                • Godwin Nasser

                  When I read in Paper 125 "Jesus at Jerusalem" I saw that it was his first time to enjoy his career when he began his ministry. He enjoyed his independent p...

                  • Godwin Nasser

                    Am feeling blessed always when I I am hopeless and I read the revelation of Jesus Christ

                    • Kato Pare

                      PAPER 138 TRAINING THE KINGDOM’S MESSENGERS After preaching the sermon on ‘’The...f between Jesus and his family. This situation continued throughout his public ministry-they very nearly rejected him...

                      • Mugabane isaac

                        Hello, brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, it has been awhile without posting to our site, but thanks we back, And more thanks to our administrator brother Paul