Results for "Food Drive"

Wall posts

    • Mwandha Julius

      help these kids what you can friends and nothing is little, they need food, medication, clothes, blankets, shoes, school fees etc.

      • Mwandha Julius

        Together we can change the lives of these kids from suffering to happiness , if you would like to support message me for more information. Matthew 25:35-40 For I was hungry and you gave me food,...

        • Mwandha Julius

          any kind support to these kids will be appreciated friends, support for food, medication, clothes, school fees, etc, message me for more information.

          • Nabirye Moreen

            Hallo our dear friends. I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! I am Nabirye Moreen, one of the for supporting us!

            • Hope and Rescue Missions International

              OUR MESSAGE TO THE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD OF FRIENDS Let us fight and we re...ndary. These children depend of us for food, shelter, water, clothes, med...ace is very small for these children. Food The children at Hope very few are sharing mattresses 5. Food...

              • Raafat Fried ABU REIDA Children Gaza

                Dear friends , donate here Do not lose your faith and optimism Fight for the happiness...that may change the lives of poor farnilies , send food , please help me to siege . Our project is to provide vegetables and food...

                • Raafat Fried ABU REIDA Children Gaza

                  Gaza ... There are homeless families, no clothes, no food, winter will be hard.

                  • Mugweri Philly

                    Your help is greatly appreciated We're urgently need food,...

                    • Mugweri Philly

                      In God, man lives, moves, and has his being. UB(p.22) Fundraise for the children and you can become their godfather or godmother today. $1 can provide food...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        selfish or altruistic All men recognize the morality of this universal human urge to...terial mind; the religionist more correctly recognizes that the truly unselfish drive of mortal mind is in response...