Results for "School Pictures"

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    • Hope and Rescue Missions International

      Our dear brothers and sisters, greetings to you all in the name of Jesus Christ. Kindly be with us to m...ide helping us provide the fees and supplies for their way back to school. We have very few days before they start schoolin...

      • Hope and Rescue Missions International

        I wish you all brothers and sisters a blessed and happy Sunday, I also wish you the best in your work praying that all will go well in this new month. Kindly help our children return back to school a...

        • Billy John Waiswa

          It's back to school season and we are still looking for your support so that we can take back our children to school. Please consider us in your prayers!

          • Hope and Rescue Missions International

            I would like to thank Members of this Community for your recent Gifts to Hope Orphan Centre that allowed us to purchase much needed food supplies and also pay some school Fees for the children.

            • Mugweri Philly

              We decided to register 32 Children to be helped by Muga Child Outreach. It's unfortunate that we can only meet need...generating projects is channelled to help some of the 13 Children by providing School f...

              • Mugweri Philly

                WHO IS MUGWERI PHILLY? Philly grew up in a poor family and became a sponsored child at...e age of 6 years. Philly successful completed high school and had an ambition to comple...her studies to become a Doctor. However after high school,...

                • Hope and Rescue Missions International

                  In life no one chooses to be an orphan. No parent wishes to die and leave his or her children witho...needy world in general. I thank my friends who donated $31 for school fees of these children. It’s now $317 remaining on their school f...

                  • Hope and Rescue Missions International

                    This is my request to you my brothers and sisters. Kindly stand with us to make the orp...our care. They need daily food, clothes, shelter, school fees and scholastic their stomach, they also move long distances to school a...

                    • Hope and Rescue Missions International

                      receipts for the children at HOCI after their school fees has been paid

                      • Mwandha Julius

                        help these kids what you can friends and nothing is little, they need food, medication, clothes, blankets, shoes, school fees etc.