Results for "Presenting Teachings about the washing of the feet"

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    • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

      We welcome you to FER ASCENDERS URANTIA BOOK FELLOWSHIP KALIRO, We...members have discovered the integrated beauty of its supernal teachin...pment as we explore the profound depths of The Urantia Book’s teac...

      • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

        The religious challenge of this age is to those farseeing and forwa...uth, universe beauty, and divine goodness. (43.3) 2:7.10 The teachin...If you would like to participate in the work of spreading the teac...

        • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

          Who was the great spiritual leader of the indigo Peoples? Are his teachings still influencing the African people?

          • Magara Benjamin

            Dear UB readers, I am thrilled to share some exciting news with all of you, CMC...t mission is to ensure that the profound teachings of revelation contained w...and communities who are yearning for the teachin...of you to join us in spreading the word abou...

            • Monica Kemp

              THIS is the revised version of our MISSION State,ent and GOALS. Sending a HUGE thank you to si...sion is to facilitate on physical sites in various climates, the fostering of the true teac...

              • Gumisiriza Julius

                As We celebrate for Easter, lets repent, forgive, reconcile, lets forget the past. the Spiritual with faith, glad being part of this wonderful family, the teac...

                • Gumisiriza Julius

                  As We celebrate for Easter, lets repent, forgive, reconcile, lets forget the past. the Spiritual with faith, glad being part of this wonderful family, the teac...

                  • Kato Pare

                    Answers for 10 Questions 8-5-2022 for this Week discussion 1. Why...all will try to follow Jesus' teachings. Then science and medici...l run out of hydrogen fuel in about 6 billion years. Then, the s...urches and preachers who talk about, Jesus washed the Apostles feet to show how important it is t...

                    • Atwebmbire Owen(Andrew)

                      Then Jesus made this final statement: “The Father in heaven does not willingly afflict the chi...nfully afflicted Job found the God of comfort and salvation in spite of such erroneous teac...

                      • Gumisiriza Julius

                        I love songs of Pato, please feel free to download and listen to them, a...===== WORDS OF CHRIST 4 Teaching About Accidents https://spiritualfa...d-the-now-generation_22-teaching-about-accidents.mp3 The Talk About...on_23-the-talk-about-angels.mp3 Teachin...banton-and-the-now-generation_24-teac...