Gumisiriza Julius's Wall

    • Gumisiriza Julius
      Gumisiriza Julius shared a link

      As We celebrate for Easter, lets repent, forgive, reconcile, lets forget the past. the Spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ is true, do it with faith, glad being part of this wonderful family, the teachings of Urantia revelations.

      The campaign is still on going to receive donations, you can either donate or sharing the link to 6friends for which this increases 45% donation. This food and necessities of life will greatly help.
      Uganda has increasingly hiked prices so far,

      1 bar of soap 7000ugx
      Ikg of meat 15000ugx
      1kg of sugar 5500ugx
      1 loaf of bread 5500ugx
      Anyone who is interested, should do it in good faith,
      Kindly help with whatever you have.

      Any kind of help for food, may help .God bless you
      Below is the campaign link.,


      Social Networking For The World Wide Spiritual Fellowship Of All Mankind