Results for "Personal Relationship with God"

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    • Wandira Ramathan

      An appeal for help by Wandira Ramathan

      An Appeal for your Help! My name is Wandira Ramathan a U...g by that time. Among the orphans who were staying with the late Pr. Kato I was the e...n three of the children died and decided to remain with the other 42 children. I felt...

      • Mwandha Julius

        An Appeal for Help by Numulondo Justine

        Children's Charity   I Am the Director of Go...n a family and my mother left me and daddy, I grew with my grand parent's but lat...e. We suffered a lot in the orphanage, we could go without food, no clothes, the hous...

        • Kimberly  Simmons

          Who are The Good Samaritans

          If ANY of you want to make a difference, in any of these Babies lives, they need it! If ANY of you want to make a difference, in any of these Babies lives, they...

          • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

            The secret of attaining happiness.

            The only secret of attaining happiness is to learn how to appreciate our privileges in life. If we cultivate that sense of appreciation we shall be thankful, we shall...

            • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

              Understanding "The Twins spiritual Parables"!

              Understanding "The Twins spiritual Parables"!...ather. Start afresh, approach the Universal Father with empty hands, empty hearts, an...solemnity of trust. 28:6.16 Urantia Book. In love with the Universal Lover of All,...

              • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                Strong Faith In Time Of Trouble Is An Individual Task.

                Strong Faith In Time Of Trouble Is An Individual Task. It is only God Almighty,I am That...nation who repents and turns to Him. Knowing this, let’s walk in faith with the full understanding that h...

                • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                  Let Go of Your Argument With Life.

                  Let Go of Your Argument With Life. Psalm 46 verse 1and 2 says God is our refuge and strength, a very...dquo;why” something happened the way it happened. Let go of arguing with life, because you will never...

                  • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                    My Love and Reason To Be In Fellowship with the Spirit Till Eternity.

                    My Love and Reason To Be In Fellowship with the Spirit Till Eternity. My Love and The be...r endeavor to approach spiritual growth with humility, from the attitude o...see, will open ourselves up to a deeper relationship/companionship with the Divine and new ways to vi...

                    • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                      Imagine what Believers can accomplish when they are motivated by love and united in God's purposes In All Things.

                      Imagine what Believers can accomplish when they are motivated by love and united in...o; (Psalm 133:1, 3) Understanding these preferences can help us deepen our relationships with others in our homes, work, an...

                      • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                        Seeding/Planting/Messaging The Words With The Act Of Faith And Hope.

                        Seeding/Planting/Messaging The Words With The Act Of Faith And Hope. People mi...he true home is to merge back with the oversoul.Meher Baba, The...lives purpose through seeding with the act of faith and the relationships in which we have wit...