Results for "God's Love"

Discussion topics

    • Wandira Ramathan

      An appeal for help by Wandira Ramathan

      An Appeal for your Help! My name is Wandira Ramathan a Ugandan by nationality who originates from the Eastern part of the country. I am a staunch Christian from...

      • Mwandha Julius

        An Appeal for Help by Numulondo Justine

        Children's Charity   I Am the Director of God’s Love and Care Ministry Bugiri- Uganda. My...

        • Kimberly  Simmons

          Who are The Good Samaritans

          If ANY of you want to make a difference, in any of these Babies lives, they need it! If ANY of you want to make a difference, in any of these Babies lives, they...

          • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

            We are the spark or the fragment of ALL THAT IS

            A spark or the fragment of the Universal Father indwells the human mind.The indwelling spirit is our constant companion leading us in the direction of timeless reality,transcendent beauty, and transforming love. DR Meredith.

            • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

              The secret of attaining happiness.

              The only secret of attaining happiness is to learn how to appreciate our privileges i...e every glimpse of beauty that comes before us, being thankful for every little love, kindness or affection shown...

              • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                The Impartiality Of The Universe Is Absolutely Sure!

                The Impartiality Of The Universe Is Absolute...ights blessings!to you and yours!! We love this time of the year.The our lives, the rich friendships and love that surrounds us in which we...f the task by committing to creating a love that will last in all things...

                • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                  Jesus Spoke About Himself Saying...."I Am the light of the world."

                  Jesus Spoke About Himself Saying...."I Am the stepping free of the illusion of separation from Love and the constructs of the ego that support it. May The song of Love knows itself as our heart, be...

                  • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                    Understanding "The Twins spiritual Parables"!

                    Understanding "The Twins spiritual Parables"! The parable of t...ity for appreciation of the solemnity of trust. 28:6.16 Urantia Book. In love with the Universal Lover of All, Abegunde Julius T...

                    • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                      Strong Faith In Time Of Trouble Is An Individual Task.

                      Strong Faith In Time Of Trouble Is An Individual Task. It is only God Almighty,I am That I am,Holy Spirit and All That Is, who can bring us through troubled times, wo...

                      • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                        Let Go of Your Argument With Life.

                        Let Go of Your Argument With Life. Psalm 46 verse 1and 2 says God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the...