Results for "Daily Life Events at Hope Orphans Centre-Iganga"


    • The Way, The Truth And Life Service Foundation

      Educational Assistance for the youth of Ibanda District Uganda

      Educational Assistance for the Youth of Ibanda District Uganda The Way, The Truth And Life Se...Please email the director of The Way, The Truth And Life Service...

      • Rodgers Muhereza

        Rodgers Muhereza Family Education Campaign

        Rodgers Muhereza Family Education Campaign &nb...y 2022, this year.  We have really lived a miserable life since we lacked food, shelter, school fees and other life necessit...

        • Turyamureba brian

          Brian Turyamureba and Kirabo Sheebah Business Startup Campaign

          Brian Turyamureba & Kirabo Sheebah Business Sta...e money for buying machine for tailoring. We hope in the future that as she wil...ur family and provide for the necessities of life. W...ewing because it's what she knows in her life.  I...

          • GODWIN UZU

            Uzu Godwin Chuks Appeal for Assistance

            Uzu Godwin Chuks Appeal for Assistance     "I am Uzu Godwin,...for poverty eradication. To fight against hunger. To improve the quality of life among th...

            • GODWIN UZU

              Think No Malaria Chesed Care Foundation

              ...sage “Send a Net,Save a Life” through Nothing But Ne.... With the promise and the hope of the people of The Chesed C...malaria, a goal world leaders hope to accomplish by 2030. Think...a do not touch our lives on a daily b...conds. We can help to provide hope through...

              • RICHARD KATONO


                SUPPORTING TRAINING FOR URANTIA STUDY GROUP OUTREACH REVELATIONS IN S...s in the world to all people's life provide for the necessities of life to those converted after read...ngs of Jesus Christ that's how hope an.... T0 provide the necessities of life for livi...

                • Mbabazi Kevin

                  Help happy hours ministry with their basic needs and orphange construction

                  Hello Donors! My name is Mbabazi Kevin and I am a vice director at Happy Hours Ministry Ug...y has managed to gain land in Jinja, Uganda, where they hope to...that someone will help them in their want for a better life. Please,...

                  • Gumisiriza Julius

                    Education Campaign Gumisiriza Julius

                    Education Campaign Gumisiriza Julius Uganda Africa My name is diploma in accounting and finance and hope to attain a bachelor's de...sp; This is weekend program course. I hoped t...Whatever you donate will mean alot in my life and comm...

                    • Gumisiriza Julius

                      Necessities of Life

                          Dear all. I greet you in the name of our Lord...nd the potential benefits of the inner In doing so, we can prevent and hopefully avoid the pitfalls of pr...and the spiritual riches of the inner life in their daily living....

                      • Monica Kemp

                        SPIRITUAL FAMILY NETWORK LIMITED Jesus’ Initiative Livelihood Loans

                        SPIRITUAL FAMILY NETWORK LIMITED Jesus’ Initiative Livelihood Loans teachings from the Urantia Revelations that encouraging all to make their way in life by the h...