Results for "At some point in deep meditation and worship"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Q● It's better not to pray than to pray without the spirit of GOD? So what is the spirit of GOD? And how can I get it?

      Q● It's better not to pray than to pray without the spirit prayer that you might have somet...h up to the communion of true worship. The soul’s spiritual sublime experiences of the worshipful contact of mind with spiri...ding existence, they are also deeply interested in our temporal wel...

      • The Strange Preacher

        The Kin-Dom is at Hand!

          10"Then I will turn your festivals into mourning And all your songs int...Life. For now, Christianity is a Great Mausoleum buried deep confirmed in their rotten way of living and led into deeper...

        • Strange Preacher

          Next Generation Gospel

            The gospel of Jesus of Nazareth cannot be wholly limited to the things he said; onl...on, the subtlety of his message proved too fine – consequently they missed his point,...

          • Bill Bricker

            The Nature of Prayer

            ...epths of the Individual's deepest beliefs and Spiritual Valu...when I dive into my mind, the deeper in thought, or higher my -- like the gentle flow of some invis...ure thankful and appreciative Worship. That's how I end my prayers. How do you pray? And worship ~ ~ 5:4:8 Urantia Book The...

            • Bill Bricker

              Music has power a whole world to transform

              Music has power a whole world to transform!   Music ~ Sometimes music. It seems to help me reach deep inside and touch something that is special. I love...ct flow of energy that comes up from deep insid...without it?! I think we all have some ty...

              • Bill Bricker

                We Who Believe

                We who Believe ~   More than just pure energy, more than our ideas of reality,...solid Inner foundation to stand on in our life.  A deep value...ment has faith in a personal God of personal salvation, somethi...

                • Bill Bricker

                  Mota #17 Ambition ~

                  Morontia Mota ~ # 17   Personal ambition strictly for Self on...anything driving me forward, is to give some type of Service to my fellow...hich is the best of me -- is the balance my life with my best efforts and my deepest...

                  • The Strange Preacher

                    Neurophysical Factors in Religious Thinking

                    Some time ago I was invited to a conference entitled: Religion,...bjects have fascinated me for some time and it was while brain. We have learned some remarkable things from these...make this happen I discovered something, arguably, more indicates the operation of deep neuro...

                    • The Strange Preacher

                      The Devil's Milk

                      The Devil’s Milk is an expression I use to symbolise that treated. However, they also share deeper elements like the much exal...ues for its attainment: yoga, prayer, meditation, contemplation, study, understanding of one’s self; deep in...

                      • Bill Bricker

                        The Impossible Moment to Express with Words

                        ...h Words ~   At some point in deep meditation and worship given to our Universal Father...the silence of that moment of worship that the "I AM" has...he Universal Father that I am worshiping. It's almost impossibl...