Mota #17 Ambition ~

Morontia Mota ~ # 17
Personal ambition strictly for Self only helps builds that Ego we use to live as humans in relations to other humans. The way I like to socialize my ambition, if I feel anything driving me forward, is to give some type of Service to my fellow Brothers and Sisters in God’s Family. The Fatherhood of God, and the Brotherhood off all men/women – the Good News ~ that service always and every day, with a smile or a helping hand, helps me keep that old ego in its place of balance. Behind my Soul which is the best of me -- is the balance point.
No one really can strive for virtue. You are, or you are not, virtuous. You can strive to be a better more tuned in person, but striving for ‘virtue’ is feeding the Ego, and I want to grow my Soul where the best of me lives. So I just live my life with my best efforts and my deepest Spiritual values, and the Fruits of my and our actions are obvious to Everyone. We truly become what we practice in life – on all levels. So virtue comes to those who just do their thing with a good heart -- not only a subjective yearning to be good, an actual action of goodness creates real virtue.
Urantia Book (557.3) 48:7.19 17.

Ambition is dangerous until it is fully socialized. You have not truly acquired any virtue until your acts make you worthy of it.