Results for "The Way The Truth and Life Services Foundation"


    • France Tremblay

      Ghandi and God

      For Gandhi, God is beyond reasoning and since reasoning is an individual affair there wil...sful in making God a functional idea by saying God is Truth and Truth theists merely by arguments but by leading a Godly life than...

      • Mulopi Moris


        Love is infectious, and when human devotion is intelligent and wise, love is more catching th...d, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It...

        • Strange Preacher

          Children of the Lesser Known God

          Children of the Lesser Known God In this article I am going to e...but one can see the celestials approach LIFE much as Quality Engineers wou...d personnel associated with it. Devising life procedures, one that can have harmful life alter...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Hope for the Present Crisis of Civilization

            Hope for the Present Crisis of Civilization by Sharon Porter and Kaye Cooper Urantia Univer...our world. We need to focus on what is truly important and let the lesser things of life drop...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Happiness and joy take origin in the inner life.

              Happiness and joy take origin in the inner life. 111.4.7  

              • Atwebmbire Owen(Andrew)

                Uganda Constitution | A Cornerstone of Democracy

                  Uganda Constitution | A Cornerstone of Democracy relevance of the constitution that shapes our collective identity. The Foundation of Democracy: At its core,...

                • The Strange Preacher

                  Shepherds Wanted

                  Shepherds Wanted It’s hard to know where to begin wi...dicated students of spiritual truth know, the ‘desertificat...fountain of living spiritual truth and are now well and truly l...a person that sees that their life has meaning, value, and purpo...rld, whetting the appetite of truth-seek...

                  • Monica Kemp

                    Hoping to start discussions on reading Part IV

                    "Hoping to start discussions on reading Part IV" Good day, ladies! ...ved Father in Paradise, through learning about the full life of Jesus of Nazareth as he lived his perfect life here...

                    • Rodgers Muhereza

                      This Is What Inspired Me

                      This Is What Inspired Me In Reading The UB As It Talks About Science And likewise desired to modify and even to control the life and...and immediately concerned with the detailed control of life and m...

                      • Nuwaha Edson(Patrick)

                        l just wanted to speak about the mind and soul as key elements in shaping man,

                        The mind and soul as key elements in shaping man! Thu 2/22/2024 5:48 PM l just wa...spiritual powers are in triune harmony of development -- that a maximum of light and truth can...