Results for "Fellowship Family"


    • i Witness NEWS

      Canada: Fascist Shift, a New-old Right and Neo-liberalism

      Canada: Fascist Shift, a New-old Right and Neo-li...orities because of their conservative views of the family. He controlled and suppressed...taken in Afghanistan in 2002 at the age of 15; his family returned home and his father,...

      • Strange Preacher

        The Good Samaritan

        The Good Samaritan   Ecumenism seeks to restore wholeness to the family Jesus’ followers, a family that appears to be divided ov...The source of division amongst the grand family of the followers of Jesus pro...

        • David Onche

          The size of God.

          A Boy asked his Father:- Dad what is the size of GOD? Then the Father looked up at th...ll show you the greatness of GOD..... May God's greatness cover your life and family as you draw closer to Him.

          • i Witness NEWS

            North Korea and the “Axis of Evil”

            North Korea and the “Axis of Evil”...ens and dozens of folks, lost one if not many more family members during the war, solidarity with each other as part of the human family. When I said goodbye to my ne...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Sovereignty — Divine and Human

                 Sovereignty — Divine and Hum...ounded on the fatherhood of God. The family of God is derived from the lo...ation of political power — the family — and the final consumm...on of political sovereignty from the family to all mankind, lies in the i...

              • i Witness NEWS

                Ann Boroch Famous Holistic Author, Working Against Big Pharma, Found Dead

                Ann Boroch Famous Holistic Author, Working Against Big Pharma, Found Dead...l to heal your mind and body. Her sudden and unexpected death has left her family and supporters in such a stat...

                • Strange Preacher

                  War & Peace

                  ...truly enamoured with the idea that we are one family on one earth and that we should l...reaching the glad tidings that we are all one family, the children of the Almighty...nd hope were within easy reach through faith, fellowship, and service? The spir...

                  • Pato Banton

                    Our Mission Statement 2017 - 2018

                    Our Mission Statement 2017-2018 By Ministers...bout the Fatherhood of God & the Family of Mankind, while planting th...s, etc.  “Fans-Friends-Family”  https://www.face...oal is to inspire each member of the family to become more personally res...

                    • Pato Banton

                      Our Global Outreach Ministry by Antoinette Rootsdawtah

                      The question was posed to Pato & Antoinette...... How do you use modern technology and social media to spread The...Youtube  In Partnership with The Urantia Foundation, The Urantia Fellow...

                      • Keren Carter

                        An Appeal to the good Samaritans of the World

                        Mafubira Youth Development Association Director Wandira Ra...;       To friends and family and to the international comm...little ones.  I herein invite our Human Race family to share in our joy.  MO...