DOCUMENTARY CHANNEL - OUR CHANGING WORLD - During the psychologically unsettled times of the twentieth century, amid the economic upheavals, the moral crosscurrents, and the sociologic rip tides of the cyclonic transitions of a scientific era, thousands upon thousands of men and women have become humanly dislocated; they are anxious, restless, fearful, uncertain, and unsettled; as never before in the world's history they need the consolation and stabilization of sound religion. In the face of unprecedented scientific achievement and mechanical development there is spiritual stagnation and philosophic chaos.
We Are Not Alone in the Universe ● There are 619 Inhabited Worlds in our System of worlds ● The Master Universe is filled with inhabited whirling worlds of space.
FATHER OF THE FATHERLESS CARE MINISTRY Byamukama Geoffrey Youth Ministry - To provide care , passion to the fatherless children in our community and Uganda at large
FER ASCENDERS URANTIA BOOK FELLOWSHIP KALIRO UGANDA • It bares the objectives that are in line with the mission of the Urantia Book Fellowship. • It aims at leading the people of Urantia to righteousness. • It was found on the foundation of righteousness and light of the mighty Father. • All activities in it are based on the Urantia book. • We aim at outreaching the new revelation to the most local communities possible.