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The Power of Faith and Spiritual Assurance
Excerpt: Chap. 21, The Passover in Jerusalem
Son of Man: Urantia, 2nd ed.
If you choose the will of the Father, you will not fail to gain your eternal soul. The Supreme Spirit will bear witness along with the spirits inside of you that you are truly a child of God. And if you are sons of God, then you have been born with the Spirit of God, and you have the power in yourself to overcome all problems or lack of faith.
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Son of Man: Urantia, is a restatement of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the Urantia revelation and in accordance with its urging to do so for today’s generation.
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Excerpt: Chap. 21, The Passover in Jerusalem Son of Man: Urantia, 2nd ed.
Nicodemus' Moment of Faith
Excerpt: Chap. 21, The Passover in Jerusalem
Son of Man: Urantia, 2nd ed.
Eventually, Nicodemus did manage enough faith to enter the kingdom. When his colleagues in the Sanhedrin wanted to condemn Jesus without a hearing, he only gave a half-hearted protest. But later, with Joseph of Arimathea, he boldly stated his faith when they claimed Jesus' body, even though most of the disciples had run away in fear from their master's final suffering.
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Son of Man: Urantia, is a restatement of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the Urantia revelation and in accordance with its urging to do so for today’s generation.
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Excerpt: Chap. 21, The Passover in Jerusalem Son of Man: Urantia, 2nd ed.
Call for Spiritual Maturity
Excerpt: Chap. 21, The Passover in Jerusalem
Son of Man: Urantia, 2nd ed.
These are the concerns of the people in the world. You have been called as spiritual ambassadors of a spiritual kingdom to represent me in the world, even as I am here to represent our Father. Do I have to speak to you like children forever? By this time, I should be able to teach you like adults of the spirit kingdom. When are you going to grow up and be able to see the spirit? Regardless, I love you and I will bear with you for long, for as long as we are together on earth. And after I have left my spirit, will go before you into all the world.
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Son of Man: Urantia, is a restatement of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the Urantia revelation and in accordance with its urging to do so for today’s generation.
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Excerpt: Chap. 21, The Passover in Jerusalem Son of Man: Urantia, 2nd ed.
Excerpt: Ch. 2, Jesus’ Early Childhood 3/7
Son of Man: Urantia, 2nd ed.
Michael incarnated as the mortal Jesus on Earth for several reasons. His purpose was to clarify that God is an actual spiritual presence in our minds, and that when possible God guides us toward perfection—toward oneness with him, the First Source and Center. After Adam and Eve failed in their mission to uplift humanity and the Earth became one of planets quarantined from the rest of the universe, our world fell into spiritual confusion; we lost the knowledge that the spirit of God is inside every person’s mind: the saving grace that there is no separation between us and God and that the brotherhood of humanity is united through that presence became hidden.
pp. 29-30
Full chapter here:
Son of Man: Urantia, is a restatement of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the Urantia revelation and in accordance with its urging to do so for today’s generation.
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Excerpt: Ch. 2, Jesus’ Early Childhood 2/7
Son of Man: Urantia, 2nd ed.
Early the morning of April 2nd, 3 B.C. Mary had her second child, James. This was the first of Jesus’ siblings and he was excited to be an older brother. A couple of months later Joseph built a small carpenter shop in town so he could take work from the caravans that stopped at Nazareth for repairs after crisscrossing the desert. His brothers were his partners, and while Joseph would work in the shop making yokes and plows his brothers took their tools and worked around town. Watching his father and then later working with him was how Jesus learned his trade working with wood.
p. 29
Full chapter here:
Son of Man: Urantia, is a restatement of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the Urantia revelation and in accordance with its urging to do so for today’s generation.
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Excerpt: Chapter 2, Jesus’ Early Childhood 1/7
Son of Man: Urantia, 2nd ed.
After the family arrived in Alexandria they stayed with Joseph’s relatives. Mary was a diligent mother, and Jesus was healthy and had large group of friends. Because of all that had occurred Mary was at first over protective, but with some urging from Joseph she finally relaxed. For the most part everyone kept quiet about Jesus being a special child, but eventually the word leaked out. Before the family left to return to Palestine a group of people tried to convince Mary and Joseph that if Jesus really was special they should raise him right there in Alexandria. They argued that he would have more influence as a spiritual leader in that grand city than in some small town in Palestine. Mary and Joseph were not convinced, and after the group finally gave up trying to change their minds they instead gifted Jesus with a complete copy of the Jewish scriptures that had been translated into Greek. Mary, Joseph, and Jesus left Alexandria for Palestine in August, 4 B.C. By the beginning of October they were back in Nazareth: they arrived with a new donkey and five relatives who had insisted on walking along with them for their safety.
p. 29
Full chapter here:
Son of Man: Urantia, is a restatement of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the Urantia revelation and in accordance with its urging to do so for today’s generation.
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The Significance of Spiritual Unity
Excerpt: Chapter 20, Beginning the Public Work
Son of Man: Urantia, 2nd ed.
Everyone who sees this spiritual unity among you will know that you have been with me and have learned how to do the will of the Father in Heaven. Each of you can and will use your own original endowments of mind, body, and soul when joining in service of God. Spiritual unity in a group harmonizes to imply two things between the people involved. One, that all of the people have a common motive in doing the will of the Father over all other things. And two, each person in the group has the same reason for existence, finding the Father in heaven and proving to the universe that we have become like Him.
Full chapter here:
Son of Man: Urantia, is a restatement of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the Urantia revelation and in accordance with its urging to do so for today’s generation.
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Excerpt: Ch. 20, Beginning the Public Work Son of Man: Urantia, 2nd ed.
Jesus' Diverse Appeal
Excerpt: Chapter 20, Beginning the Public Work
Son of Man: Urantia, 2nd ed.
Humility, patience, meekness, gentleness, and tenderness. Jesus of Nazareth was a strong and forceful personality. He was a spiritual stronghold and intellectual powerhouse. He not only appealed to the spiritually-minded women among his followers, but also to the educated men, the rugged red-blooded Galilean fishermen, and the hardiest of Roman soldiers, like the captain who is stationed near the cross, and who, when he had finished watching the master die, said, Truly, this was a son of God.
Full chapter here:
Son of Man: Urantia, is a restatement of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the Urantia revelation and in accordance with its urging to do so for today’s generation.
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Excerpt: Ch. 20, Beginning the Public Work Son of Man: Urantia, 2nd ed.
Jesus on Salvation and Truth
Excerpt: Chapter 20, Beginning the Public Work
Son of Man: Urantia, 2nd ed.
Jesus emphasized the two most important points of the kingdom. Achieving salvation by faith and faith alone and attaining liberty through the sincere recognition of the truth. You will know the truth and the truth will set you free. Jesus was truth in the flesh and he promised to send his spirit of truth into the hearts of all of his children after he returned to the Father in heaven. Jesus taught the apostles the truth for an entire age on earth. Often, the teachings were actually intended for the inspiration and instruction of other worlds. Jesus demonstrated a new and original plan for life.
Full chapter here:
Son of Man: Urantia, is a restatement of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the Urantia revelation and in accordance with its urging to do so for today’s generation.
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Excerpt: Ch. 20, Beginning the Public Work Son of Man: Urantia, 2nd ed.
Jesus' Emotional Moment on Departure
Excerpt: Chapter 20, Beginning the Public Work
Son of Man: Urantia, 2nd ed.
When everyone was ready to depart, they could not find Jesus. Andrew went out to look for him and found Jesus sitting by himself down in a boat on the beach. He was weeping. Seeing Jesus cry startled Andrew. All of the apostles had seen him grieve before, and at times they had seen him become serious and preoccupied, but none of them had actually seen him shed tears. After Andrew composed himself, he asked Jesus what had happened to cause him to weep on such a wonderful day, and if one of the apostles had offended him. Jesus, while walking back with Andrew to rejoin the other apostles, said that none of the apostles had done anything wrong. He was sad because his family had not remembered to come and wished them Godspeed.
Full chapter here:
Son of Man: Urantia, is a restatement of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the Urantia revelation and in accordance with its urging to do so for today’s generation.
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Excerpt: Ch. 20, Beginning the Public Work Son of Man: Urantia, 2nd ed.
Excerpt: Ch. 1, Birth and Infancy of Jesus, 9/9
Son of Man: Urantia, 2nd ed.
Palestine was ruled by Herod the Idumean. He had been put in charge by the Caesar in Rome, and he had good relations with that far-off ruler. But in Palestine the Jews did not trust him. There had always been tension between them, so to keep his power Herod had spies reporting to him from all across his land. Herod knew that the Jews had been praying for a deliver to set them free from the Roman’s rule. After his spies told him about the priests who came to Bethlehem looking for this same person, he had them brought to his court for questioning. They were not much help, and could only tell Herod that a man and woman who had gone to Bethlehem to register for the census had been blessed with a male child. Herod did not trust these men so he tried to trick them by saying that he, too, wanted to pay his respects to this special child and he gave them some money to find Jesus again and report back to him. But the priests were on to Herod’s trick; they took his money and returned to their country far away…. Herod finally became frustrated with the search and ordered that all boys under two years old be killed just in case this child was still in Bethlehem. Again, Zacharias’ spies warned him and Mary and Joseph escaped Herod’s assassins in the nick of time. Sadly, sixteen other baby boys did not and were slaughtered the next day. The family made their way to Alexandria in Egypt and hid for two years. It was not until Herod died that Mary and Joseph felt safe enough to take Jesus back to Bethlehem.
p. 27
Full chapter here.
Son of Man: Urantia, is a restatement of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the Urantia revelation and in accordance with its urging to do so for today’s generation.
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Godspeed, Bob
Excerpt: Ch. 1, Birth and Infancy of Jesus, 8/9
Son of Man: Urantia, 2nd ed.
While it is true that the angels in heaven sung when Jesus was born, no one on Earth heard them. Three weeks later Zacharias met several priests traveling together. Many years before, these priests had met a strange man who told them that he had dreamt about a prophet who was going to be born to the Jews in a faraway land. He said this man would grow up to become the light of life for all of the world. When the priests told this to Zacharias, he of course thought about Jesus and told the priests what he knew. The priests then went and met Mary, saw Jesus, and left some gifts before heading home. There was nothing supernatural about these events. The tale about a star guiding the priests to Bethlehem was added later, and was based on a strange but natural alignment of the planets, in particular Saturn and Jupiter. Even more amazing, this alignment occurred three times the year Jesus was born—May 29th, September 29th, and December 5th. While no miracles happened, back then it was normal for people to weave miracles into their stories: later these stories were written down and the people assumed them to be true.
p. 26
Full chapter here.
Son of Man: Urantia, is a restatement of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the Urantia revelation and in accordance with its urging to do so for today’s generation.
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Godspeed, Bob
Excerpt: Ch. 1, Birth and Infancy of Jesus, 7/9
Son of Man: Urantia, 2nd ed.
Neither Mary nor Joseph slept much that night. By morning Mary knew she was going to deliver. With the help of some of the other woman staying at the Inn, Jesus was born at noon, August 21, 7 B.C.
The next day Joseph registered the family for the census. He found a man willing to give up his room at the inn for Mary and the baby, and they stayed there for the next three weeks. The third day Mary sent a message to Elizabeth, and the two of them made plans to visit a week later in the City of Judah. According to Jewish custom on the eighth day Jesus was taken to the temple, circumcised, and given the name Joshua—Jesus.
p. 26
Full chapter here.
Son of Man: Urantia, is a restatement of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the Urantia revelation and in accordance with its urging to do so for today’s generation.
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Godspeed, Bob
Hi everyone,
Below is a response I just wrote for a person on facebook commenting on one of my posts. I am reposting part of it here to help explain why some of my comments may “feel” slightly different. I’ll expand on this as it clears up in my mind. Godspeed.
From fb:
“Hey there, Bob. Long-time reader here. I'm thinking you perhaps meant something more than what is conveyed by your statement, "The Urantia Revelation claims that in these days the greatest threat we will face is holding to our faith."
Perhaps you mean that the Urantia Revelation conveys that, in these days of being barraged by rank materialism and rampant selfishness, we are to more firmly gird ourselves with the armor of living faith?”
Yes and no. I agree with your statement and it is imperative today.
Regarding mine: all reference comes from part 4 of the revelation. I’m not ready yet to address this to the community, but I have concerns about not only the content of parts 1-3, I also feel it is being paid too much attention by the community at the expense of knowing the information in part 4—which according to the revelation is the most important knowledge we can garner in this first life. Validation of anything for me at this point is strictly internal.
I am passing on the warning in part 4—every person’s greatest danger at this time is going to be holding to their faith, their unwavering belief in God the Father and that they are in fact his son.
The best advice I can offer the community is to put parts 1-3 aside and study part 4 like your life depends on it, because it does. It is time for everyone to look in the mirror, and get to work bringing forth the kingdom instead of reading about it.
As an aside, I published a paper in the Journal of Integral Theory and Practice on the Urantia revelation. If interested, it holds some clues as to where we may have concerns with the text. It is on my substack page.
Again, good to meet you. I’ll do my best to be timely on responses, but some may be delayed.
Excellent, Bob(as I agree!), and while the first response from FB is fair, it is not always the OUTSIDE world that will present dangers to our faith, but WE ourselves, in doubts about ourwelves, relationships, exactly what is God doing nowadays...for me, etc etc.
While this may not reflect your thoughts, Bob, not the point, however, I DO, most strenuously agree, that Part IV is the go-to right now. As I believe, it was the real reason the Revelation was presented to us...I always describe this epochal revelation as the 5th time the Father has intervened in the affairs of mankind to right us on our pathway. And since our path is a fleshy, material one, it behooves us to pay attention to the "restatement" of the life and teachings of Jesus! The rest, we will get later...
This is what I think regarding this element of Bob's comment "and since only spiritual eyes can see him and all eyes will see him, I suggest our world has a way to go before again being visited by our Creator." My observation that the 19 morontia appearances of Jesus would not have been visible to mortal eyes without the assistance of the hosts of heaven. We should also meditate on the fact that only true believers were graced to witness these 19 morontia appearances. So in consideration of the promised second coming to Urantia we should take into account that this world alone is managed by a Sovereign Master Paradise Creator Son of God as our Planetary Prince of Peace and fully subjected to his will for Urantia. A will that has already assured us that his gospel will in an age to come rule this very world. Keeping in mind that "118:6.5 what a son desires and the Father wills will certainly come to pass."
I fully understand Bob's comment in that we have been well advised by the revelators not to make the Gospel of Jesus dependent upon his promised return so each generation living before his return do not lose faith because the return was not in the lifetime of that believer. It is also true that Jesus desired we also attempt to understand the long distance view of the future when his Gospel does rule this very world. If there were no spiritual significance in his promise to return he would not of made it public. Also what does it matter if he comes to us or we go to him upon our graduation from this world.
What Jesus said about his coming should also influence our preparation and awareness of such a time on Urantia.
176:2.6 "And now concerning the travail of Jerusalem, about which I have spoken to you, even this generation will not pass away until my words are fulfilled; but concerning the times of the coming again of the Son of Man, no one in heaven or on earth may presume to speak. But you should be wise regarding the ripening of an age; you should be alert to discern the signs of the times. You know when the fig tree shows its tender branches and puts forth its leaves that summer is near. Likewise, when the world has passed through the long winter of material-mindedness and you discern the coming of the spiritual springtime of a new dispensation, should you know that the summertime of a new visitation draws near.
With the arrival of the 5th Epochal Revelation we are IN "the spiritual springtime" The question to be answered is how long is this period of spiritual awakening '
I am sharing an image with a much meditated upon truth postulate Monica and myself have held in mind and repeated often which today I put into an image to share with our fellow believers.
May 2025 bring many spiritual victories in our work for this day and generation. Thank you Bob for stimulating progressive reflections upon our mission at Spiritual Family Network. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and your personal outlooks and viewpoints very valuable and educational for our growing members and visitors.
Excellent, Bob(as I agree!), and while the first response from FB is fair, it is not always the OUTSIDE world that will present dangers to our faith, but WE ourselves, in doubts about ourwelves, relationships, exactly what is God doing nowadays...for me, etc etc.
While this may not reflect your thoughts, Bob, not the point, however, I DO, most strenuously agree, that Part IV is the go-to right now. As I believe, it was the real reason the Revelation was presented to us...I always describe this epochal revelation as the 5th time the Father has intervened in the affairs of mankind to right us on our pathway. And since our path is a fleshy, material one, it behooves us to pay attention to the "restatement" of the life and teachings of Jesus! The rest, we will get later...