Group activity

    • Bob Kezer, PhD
      Bob Kezer, PhD shared a link

      Hello from Cuenca, Ecuador.

      We are meeting at Paul Kemp’s request that I start a group on SpiritualFamily.Net and post a recent video, “A People’s Manifesto: America, the Golden Rule, and Human Sovereignty on Earth.” I appreciate the offer and am looking forward to some great interactions.

      We are also meeting about 35 years after the seed for this project was planted on my first stumble through the Urantia revelation, and it represents what will be my life’s work for the better part of the next century. This will all be better explained in an upcoming post, “Genesis” and as I create the next phase of the project that involves waking up the “sleeping dragons” in our country (hints: the world’s only a bridge; our current lifespan is not organic, and wisdom needs both knowledge and enough time on planet to know how to use it).

      I will post an introduction to the Son of Man: Urantia Project in the next few days. My computer was stuck in the shop waiting on funds for a week, and I am still scrambling in catch-up mode. Thank you for your patience over the next few days or so as I figure out this platform and get you all some juicy material to digest.

      The home substack page is at

      Son of Man: Urantia is available in PDF, E-book, and print versions in English and Spanish at the links below.

      More to come.

      Godspeed, everyone.


      Son of Man: Urantia, is a restatement of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the Urantia revelation and in accordance with its urging to do so for today’s generation.

      Son of Man: Urantia, Books: (English and Spanish)

      Son of Man: Urantia, PDF’s (English and Spanish) and merchandise

      • Paul Kemp Administrator
        By Paul Kemp Administrator

        Hi Bob, 

        Thank you brother and fellow server of the divine plan for this day and generation for bringing the Son of Man Urantia to Spiritual Family Network. It appears the most highs are bringing together those who will lead the world towards the ages of light and life during these times of great change on Urantia. 

        I will send a private email to connect you to Dave Onche our website technical support engineer to assist you in any questions about website features as you build up the content on the NEW Son of Man Urantia Group. Also  I can offer my services as a graphic artist and webmaster to assist in making your Group attractive to members and visitors. We are drawing as many as  132,202 visitors in some months.

        Bob I came across a video yesterday that I thought might interest you.  Maria Zeee: Calin Georgescu Why The Global Deep State Fears This Man!

        Presently it looks like this son of God Calin Georgescu is going to win the next Romania Presidential Elections.

        Godspeed, Brother and thank you for bringing your work to Spiritual Family Network. We are looking forward to your posts and teachings.

        Paul Kemp


    Son of Man: Urantia Project

    Son of Man: Urantia Project

    Son of Man: Urantia, by Bob Kezer PhD is a restatement of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the Urantia revelation and in accordance with its urging to do so for today’s generation. - That more may choose eternal life. -