Group activity

    • Faith Anthony
      Faith Anthony

      The evolutionary soil in the mind of man in which the seed of revealed religion germinates is the moral nature that so early gives origin to a social consciousness. The first promptings of a child's moral nature have not to do with sex, guilt, or personal pride, but rather with impulses of justice, fairness, and urges to kindness —helpful ministry to one's fellows. And when such early moral awakenings are nurtured, there occurs a gradual development of the religious life which is comparatively free from conflicts, upheavals, and crises.

      • Faith Anthony
        Faith Anthony posted 1 images

        The first act of Jesus on arising from the tomb was to greet Gabriel and instruct him to continue in executive charge of universe affairs under Immanuel, and then he directed the chief of the Melchizedeks to convey his brotherly greetings to Immanuel. He thereupon asked the Most High of Edentia for the certification of the Ancients of Days as to his mortal transit; and turning to the assembled morontia groups of the seven mansion worlds, here gathered together to greet and welcome their Creator as a creature of their order, Jesus spoke the first words of the postmortal career. Said the morontia Jesus: “Having finished my life in the flesh, I would tarry here for a short time in transition form that I may more fully know the life of my ascendant creatures and further reveal the will of my Father in Paradise.”
        189:1.11 (2022.2) After Jesus had spoken, he signaled to the Personalized Adjuster, and all universe intelligences who had been assembled on Urantia to witness the resurrection were immediately dispatched to their respective universe assignments.

        • Paul Kemp Administrator
          Paul Kemp Administrator commented on the blog Love your neighbor

          Love Your Neighbor

          This idea-ideal of doing good to others—the impulse to deny the ego something for the benefit of one’s neighbor—is very circumscribed at first. Primitive man regards as neighbor only those very close to him, those who treat him neighborly; as religious civilization advances, one’s neighbor expands in concept to embrace the clan, the tribe, the nation. And then Jesus enlarged the neighbor scope to embrace the whole of humanity, even that we should love our enemies. And there is something inside of every normal human being that tells him this teaching is moral—right. Even those who practice this ideal least, admit that it is right in theory.103:5:2

          • Paul Kemp Administrator
            Paul Kemp Administrator added the photo Neighborly Love to the album Teachings
            • Neighborly Love
            • Faith Anthony
              Faith Anthony published a blog post Love your neighbor
              And then Jesus enlarged the neighbor scope to embrace the whole of humanity,
              • Paul Kemp Administrator
                By Paul Kemp Administrator

                Love Your Neighbor

                This idea-ideal of doing good to others—the impulse to deny the ego something for the benefit of one’s neighbor—is very circumscribed at first. Primitive man regards as neighbor only those very close to him, those who treat him neighborly; as religious civilization advances, one’s neighbor expands in concept to embrace the clan, the tribe, the nation. And then Jesus enlarged the neighbor scope to embrace the whole of humanity, even that we should love our enemies. And there is something inside of every normal human being that tells him this teaching is moral—right. Even those who practice this ideal least, admit that it is right in theory.103:5:2

              • Faith Anthony
                "I have yet much to say to you, but you cannot stand any more just now"     180:6.3 "I have yet much to say to you, but you cannot stand any more just now. Albeit, when he, the Spirit of Truth, comes, he shall eventually guide you...
                • Paul Kemp Administrator
                  Paul Kemp Administrator commented on the file A TALK ABOUT URANTIA BOOK

                  Anthony send me this file in an email and I will repost it for you. It is not displaying properly.

                  • Faith Anthony
                    Faith Anthony uploaded the file A TALK ABOUT URANTIA BOOK
                    What do you know about the URANTIA book 
                    • Paul Kemp Administrator
                      By Paul Kemp Administrator

                      Anthony send me this file in an email and I will repost it for you. It is not displaying properly.

                    • Faith Anthony
                      Faith Anthony

                      For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        Hello Faith Anthony, good to see you adding content on your Group. How are your studies going. Also give my love to Kato, Betty and the family. Godspeed

                        • Faith Anthony
                          Faith Anthony posted 1 images

                          have you ever asked yourself how paradise look like?

                          - with Kato Pare, Monica Kemp, Paul Kemp Administrator
                          • Paul Kemp Administrator
                            By Paul Kemp Administrator

                            Hello Faith Anthony, good to see you adding content on your Group. How are your studies going. Also give my love to Kato, Betty and the family. Godspeed

                          • Faith Anthony
                            Faith Anthony published a blog post Teaches about love
                             God’s reactions are always those of divine affection. “‘God is love’; therefore his only personal attitude towards the affairs of the universe is always a reaction of divine affection. The Father loves us sufficiently to bestow his life upon...
                            • Monica Kemp
                              Monica Kemp commented on the blog Teachings

                              And the more you read and study the words of our celestial brothers and sisters, you and I will begin to have our thoughts spiritualized by our indwelling Father Fragment. They need our MIND engaged in learning and being open to their input.

                              • Monica Kemp
                                Monica Kemp liked Teachings
                                • Faith Anthony
                                  Faith Anthony published a blog post Teachings
                                  We are all born as children of the Paradise Father. Yet, to be resurrected, we must exercise faith and trust in our Heavenly Father.
                                  • Monica Kemp
                                    By Monica Kemp

                                    And the more you read and study the words of our celestial brothers and sisters, you and I will begin to have our thoughts spiritualized by our indwelling Father Fragment. They need our MIND engaged in learning and being open to their input.

                                God's New Life Healing Ministry

                                God's New Life Healing Ministry

                                Faith Anthony -Closing prayer. God has raised from death our Lord Jesus, who is the Great Shepherd of the sheep as the result of his blood,*by which the eternel covenant is sealed. May the God of peace provide you with every good thing you need in order to do his will, and may he, through Jesus Christ, do in us what pleases him. And to Christ be the glory for ever and ever! Amen