Tumwijukye simon's Wall

    • Tumwijukye simon
      Tumwijukye simon

      The Urantia Book depicts the life of Jesus Christ in a more detailed and expanded account than what is commonly found in Christian religions ¹ ² ³:

      - Jesus was born to Mary on August 21, 7 B.C. in 122:8.1
      - Jesus was a divine personality who wanted to experience the life of a human being ¹.
      - Jesus' life was divided into two purposes: to reveal God to the people of this world and others, and to demonstrate the potential spiritual height that a human being can attain ¹.
      - Jesus taught people that they are all children of a loving God and are therefore brothers and sisters ¹.
      - The Urantia Book narrates Jesus' life from birth to death, including details about his character, his relationships with his family and apostles, his travels, his miracles, his teachings and his parables ¹ ² ³.

      • Monica Kemp
        By Monica Kemp

        Thank you, brother! SO well-written, Simon!!!
        And let's remember that Jesus was born to BOTH Mary and Joseph, who were, in fact, his earth parents as revealed to us in:

        122:3.4 (1347.2) Gabriel’s announcement to Mary was made the day FOLLOWING THE CONCEPTION of Jesus and was the only event of supernatural occurrence connected with her entire experience of carrying and bearing the child of promise.

        Also, when we do study his relationships, how he behaved, THEN do we learn how WE can behave in our own way here and now, as He did, and therefore, did he actually save us from our sins by his perfectly lived human life, right? No longer do we have any need to view his death as a way to save us from our sins...a bit selfish to believe that, isn't it? Like, I can sin as much as I want because Jesus already died and cleared that up for me for me...??? It is in studying his whole earth life, that makes me want to TURN AWAY from sin that saves me!