Soren K Vestergaard's Wall

    • Soren K Vestergaard

      Are you in deep problems, then remember this: "To accept the guidance of a seraphim rarely means attaining a life of ease. In following this leading you are sure to encounter, and if you have the courage, to traverse, the rugged hills of moral choosing and spiritual progress."

      • Paul Kemp Administrator
        By Paul Kemp Administrator

      • Soren K Vestergaard
        Soren K Vestergaard

        If this were a mechanistic universe, if the First Great Source and Center were only a force and not also a personality, if all creation were a vast aggregation of physical matter dominated by precise laws characterized by unvarying energy actions, then might perfection obtain, even despite the incompleteness of universe status. There would be no disagreement; there would be no friction. But in our evolving universe of relative perfection and imperfection we rejoice that disagreement and misunderstanding are possible, for thereby is evidenced the fact and the act of personality in the universe. And if our creation is an existence dominated by personality, then can you be assured of the possibilities of personality survival, advancement, and achievement; we can be confident of personality growth, experience, and adventure. What a glorious universe, in that it is personal and progressive, not merely mechanical or even passively perfect!

        • Soren K Vestergaard
          Soren K Vestergaard

          The Urantia Book teaches us that the mention of transcendentalers does not occur before an evolutionary world enters into Light and Life. However, these beings are actually mentioned in the Urantia Book, which leads me to believe that the book will be a significant revelation even as our world, Urantia, enters into Light and Life. The Urantia Book is increasingly becoming more important as time passes.

          • Soren K Vestergaard
            Soren K Vestergaard

            In these days when the Spirit of Truth has come to us, it is important to acknowledge that we have been blessed with the platform of SpiritualFamily.Net. Here, our extended family can learn from each other and thrive together. A heartfelt and sincere thank you to Paul Kemp, who is making this possible out of love and dedication.

            Thank you,

            • Paul Kemp Administrator
              By Paul Kemp Administrator

              Thank you for your kind words Soren, here on Urantia the most thrilling adventures are the actual attempt to find and do the will of the Father of Love. And in doing this we find each year brings forth increased fruit bearing. With Fellows like you and many others here on our Network we are realizing this great truth from the revelation.

              May and do Happen