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Soren K Vestergaard
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Dear friends,

We must understand that spiritual growth for an individual is not something that happens suddenly, but gradually over time. I believe the same can be said for our outreach efforts in Africa. Though we are a small group, by working together and resolving smaller differences, others, even those we may not yet be aware of, will notice and learn from our example. They will form the second wave, and after them, the third, each growing stronger through cooperation with the Supreme Being.

What we see happening in Africa and within the SFN is truly encouraging, and it brings joy to the heart of the First Great Source and Center. Speaking of the Center, I want to introduce you to the Christ Michael Center, located right here on Urantia. You can learn more about it at:
The Christ Michael Center

Find the Father

Religion needs new leaders, spiritual men and women who will dare to depend solely on Jesus & his incomparable teachings. A great spiritual renaissance is here!