Comments on Status update by Mbabazi Kevin

Mbabazi Kevin

And if it doesn't happen the way you wanted, it will happen in a better way than you imagined. That's the beauty of God's plan.

  • Monica Kemp
    By Monica Kemp

    Yes, brother! I used to have a note above my desk at work: God's plan works, yours doesn't....!! Best to choose to do the will of the One who knows us best!

  • Mbabazi Kevin
    By Mbabazi Kevin

    We believe in Him. He is the main planner

  • Monica Kemp
    By Monica Kemp

    Exactly, brother! When he decided to send a special part of him to come and live within our mind to help guide us on our way back to him, he came with a Divine Plan that is unique to each and every one of us! We just need to figure out what it is and what he needs us to do for him with the talents we have been given!!

  • Monica Kemp
    By Monica Kemp

    Brother, this is brother Onesmas Niwamanya mobile: +256766009684. Can you contact him with yours, please?

  • Niwamanya Onesmas
    By Niwamanya Onesmas

    I completely agree, brother! The Urantia book teaches us that the Father's plan is to guide us back to him, and he has given each of us a unique role to play in his divine plan. As it says in Paper 108, Section 4.2, "The Father's plan for the salvation of his children is a plan of love, and it is carried out by the personalities of the universe who are motivated by love". But, I ask, are we truly listening to the Father's guidance and using our talents to fulfill our part in his plan, or are we allowing our own desires and fears to hold us back?