Comments on Status update by Niwamanya Onesmas

Niwamanya Onesmas

What are the best ways to share The Urantia Book and its teachings?

Which techniques work better than others?

How does the approach to a group differ from speaking to an individual?

What are the key elements of a good study group?

  • Monica Kemp
    By Monica Kemp

    1. The best way depends on how resourceful and creative you are in communicating with your fellows. That means, has your conversation with someone become comfortable enough that you can easily mention "God" or "the Creator" in speaking of something related to truth, beauty and goodness?
    When Jesus interacted with people, he automatically presumed that everyone believed in God the Father and that he was their Father, too. I am going to start living and speaking this way when conversations turn to personal beliefs...
    Also! It is also important NOT to disagree with someone's beliefs, but to only focus on what you see as true and find a place of agreement...creates a positive relationship then!

    2. See above...and you are sincerely loving in your approach to another...NOT with the intention to bring up the Revelation immediately, or even ever! But just to establish a righteous attitude. Sometimes that attracts someone 5o ask you questions about your inner peace.

    3. A group vs an individual...first of all, if you have a group who is willing to listen to you on matters about Spirit, this should be easy! 

    Talk to them about the FACT that our Father loves each of them perfectly (they probably have heard this in church), no matter what they have done, and so much so that he has made a dwelling place in your mind for a REAL PART of himself (the Indwelling Spirit/the Divine Spark/the Father Fragment /the Thought Adjuster) to live with you every second of the day for the rest of your eternal life!! Seeing every action and knowing every thought and word you have all the time! And to EMPHASIZE that he wants a personal relationship/friendship with each of his children!! And go from there...

    4. Elements to a successful study group: depends on the people attending and their reasons for being there.

    Each person needs to arrive with a humble attitude to want to learn, NO one smarter than anyone else...over there, because no one has actually studied the UB long enough, means that you will all share ideas, thoughts and insights and be respectful of them, no matter how different they may be! That's what makes us all unique in the eyes of the Father! 

    So, you must start with Part IV, the Life and Teachings of Jesus, in order to correct mistaken ideas taught by organized religion and to add so much more information about our Creator Father Brother Michael - known as Jesus of Nazareth here on Urantia(Earth) - and how we learn to see him as fully human living OUR fleshy life here. SO important!

    As you read a PARAGRAPH at a time, ask for questions to understand and comments. THEN, proceed to next one! I cannot imagine you will progress more than one section at a time to fully grasp the teaching our celestial brothers and sisters are revealing to us! 

    Remember that the author/s of Part IV were not only present at the time of Jesus, following him around, but have been in existence for over 37 000 years and are STILL with us today!