Results for "wall"


    • Dawn Eybs-Johnson

      Dawn Eybs-Johnson

      About me: ...uary I'm hoping there isn't any more damage done to my brain but I'm not counting on it since being in the hospital I have a hard time swallowing food or liquid I get maj...



      • i Witness NEWS

        Jeremy Corbyn is Britain’s Best Hope

        ...cause of what he says but because of the reactions he elicits from this bunch of discredited and corrupt pro-austerity, pro-war, pro City of London/Wall Street, union-bashing, welfar...

        • David Onche

          In God, a Spider's Web is Stronger than a Brick Wall

          ...over the front of his cave. "Hah" he thought, "What I need is a brick wall and what the Lord has sent me...ed. "I had forgotten that in you a spider's web is stronger than a brick wall. He will use the most foolish...

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          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Gianluca Saturno @ Butiiki Children's Ministry

            ...d tell you the story of each one of these orphans and try to get to your wallet through your heart but if you could just share these pictures and link on your wall it would already be a big hel...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator


              Smilies to add to pages, blogs, discussions, questions,answers,wall posts etc.


            Wall posts

              • Tumwijukye simon

                ...her’s not yet formed. The warming weather has more power. The rains that come to every flower Can be gentle, slowly fall, Or be brutal like a wall. Whatever come’s been seen...

                • Tumwijukye simon

        ’s not yet formed. The warming weather has more power. The rains that come to every flower Can be gentle, slowly fall, Or be brutal like a wall. Whatever come’s been seen b...

