Results for "Vaccine injuries"



Discussion topics

    • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

      Progress at Samaritan Foundation Orphanage by the Grace of God

      Progress at Samaritan Foundation Orphanage by the Grace of God Dear Friends,...d thrive. As a “family” we pray for each other through sickness, injuries and needs. We rejoice togethe...

      • i Witness NEWS

        The Danger of Vaccines

        The Danger of Vaccines   Ashley Everly Cates...someone who once believed in vaccines, who vaccinated my child, I&...I know you think questioning vaccine safety is akin to believing i...use of the increasing rate of vaccine refusal.  I understan...

      • +11 more Discussion topics



      Top-level pages



        • Bawuna Ali

          Our Children at Lead Orphans Organization

          Our Children at Lead Orphan          &...dical Many of the children in our care are suffering serious illnesses and injuries. We need your help to continu...

          • Bawuna Ali

            Children Needing a Sponsor

            Children Needing a Sponsor          &n...dical Many of the children in our care are suffering serious illnesses and injuries. We need your help to continu...

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            • Jacob Godwins

              The Truth About Vaccines Docu-series - Episode 1

              Published on Apr 13, 2017 Welcome to the first episode of the...series "The Truth About Vaccines". This is the larges...ever produced on the topic of vaccines. Each episode is up 24 know about The Truth About Vaccines... Please hit the share butt...

              • Vaccine Awareness

                Vaccination: The Hidden Truth

                Vaccination: The Hidden Truth Vaccination: The Hidden Truth...on in relation to illness and vaccines. Ironically, the important f...unt of the ineffectiveness of vaccines and their often harmful effe...    Was it really vaccines that saved us?    ...

              • +67 more Videos

              Wall posts

                • Tom

                  I discovered this recently when doing research on our current COVID crisis. It is ano...these healing chemicals, they will become more efficient in the treatment of injuries, and indirectly they will kno...

                  • Tom

                    Have you seen this btw ? Important. Dr. Kaufman talks about the 6666 Tracing Resolution Congress passed and at the 30:00 minute mark and electric DNA modifying vaccine Gates (AntiChrist) wants us all injected with at the 47:00 minute mark:


                    • Bawuna Ali

                      Campaign Fundraiser Lead Orphans Organization Uganda - Bawuna Ali

                        Lead Orphans Organization Uganda      Founded i...dical Many of the children in our care are suffering serious illnesses and injuries. We need your help to continu...

                      • Billy John Waiswa

                        Emergency Medical Care

                        Emergency Medical Care    Hello an accident and I was admitted in hospital with injuries. I am putting up this emergen...r knocked me over. I have dental damaged, and injuries to my right leg and arm. Ther...


                        • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                          Do you agree on this?

                          Do you agree on this? Life is so mysterious to the extent that all we can do is place of darkness and succour in place of any form of mental and emotional injuries! Amen! Abegunde Julius...


                        • 606 Urantia Broadcast iWitness News
                          • open group
                          • 17 members

                          606 Urantia Broadcast iWitness News

                          606 Urantia Broadcast News
                        • Lead Orphans Organization Uganda
                          • open group
                          • 2 members

                          Lead Orphans Organization Uganda

                          Bawuna Ali - Lead Orphans Organization Uganda - There are over one million orphan children in Uganda because of the AID's epidemic. Please consider becoming involved in the many NGO/CBS (Non Government Organization / Community Based Services) that are attempting to care for these children. This Group is for the Good Samaritans of the world actively offering their services and support to the Directors and CEO's of these Ministries.
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