Results for "How Things Ought to Be"


    • The Strange Preacher

      Comment on "The Kin-Dom is at Hand!"

      Thanks Monica! The Kin-dom term was developed by a Hispanic female theologian. Female theologians have been opening...  “Give us no more visions of what is right! Tell us pleasant thing...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Comment on "The Kin-Dom is at Hand!"

        ...of Israel. We have persistently sought peace, but the leaders of Isra...doing this same thing. As Herod brought about the death of John, you...gment! Within reason, the one you ought to have done but not to have...of Man. Inasmuch as you do these things, are you witness to yourselv...

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      Discussion topics


        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Partnership with God

          That which the enlightened and reflective human imagination of spiritual teaching and leading wholeheartedly and un...e doing of the Father's will. When man goes in partnership with God, great thing...

          • Matte Jockas

            Fundamentals of Grant Writing

            Fundamentals of Grant Writing Matte Jockas   Every step of life, achieving the best in life is conclusion, that they’re a genius, that they were destined for great thing...

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            • Paul Kemp Administrator


              ...into our midst and share all things equally with us who have been...out on this mission, Jesus thought much about John, now in prison...ore abundantly enjoy the good things of the kingdom of heaven. An...these early teachings Jesus sought to avoid controversies with h...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                PAPER 195 AFTER PENTECOST

                ...ions primarily because of two things: 195:1.3 1. The Greek mind...get that at first the Romans fought Christianity, while the Greeks...ies the Greek had seriously thought and earnestly debated about al...y; travel was universal and thought was untrammeled. 195:3.8 T...

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              Top-level pages

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Questions and Answers

                  ...hildren of God. All other petitions are simply things hoped for in human experience...additional blessings to those who ask him? Men ought always to pray and not become...for making over that which is into that which ought to be. Our praying should...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Welcome to Students Of The 5th Epochal Revelation

                    Group welcome message It is the hope of this group that we may be of assistance to the hosts of he...the Master's life of unselfish service for man. One of the most important thing...

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                  Wire posts

                    • Yourantiaman

                      By Yourantiaman

                      My Father
                      You were before I was born You will always be...More



                        Be not deceived by those who come saying here is the kingdom or there is the kingdom, for my Father’s kingdom concerns not things visible and material. Yet, as you awaken in the Kingdom, so shall you realize its reality and tangibility; for the...More

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                        • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                          Who is the Good Samaritan!

                          The Life we Live at SAFO   We couldn't miss a pause for a photo with him. Thi...a living and to help herself in acquiring rent fees and other things but we decided to also come in and help her in some small thing...

                          • Paul Kemp Administrator

                            Daily Life Events at Hope Orphans Centre-Iganga

                            The kids at hope orphans centre iganga eating biscuits but most of the times it is not enough for them yet it is one of the thing...

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                            • Paul Kemp Administrator

                              Spiritual Family Photos

                              ...higher universe reality, to crystallize the emotions of time into the thought of eternity. The search for...shadows of time. True art is the effective manipulation of the material things of life; religion is the enn...

                              • Paul Kemp Administrator


                                Things of Beauty ● Hummingbirds 

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                              Wall posts

                                • Tumwijukye simon

                                  103:7.6 Logic is the technique of philosophy, its method of expression. Within the domain of true science, reason...hatever happens will be fate. Fate, but based on our decisions. We can shape thing...

                                  • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                                    Nothing Is Impossible With Courageous Heart. I humbly request us to memorize Biblical Book Of Matthew 19:26 and re...Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all thing...

                                  • +183 more Wall posts




                                  • Questions and Answers
                                    • open group
                                    • 6 members

                                    Questions and Answers

                                    One of the most effective methods of placing new truth into the inquiring minds of sincere seekers after truth is to cultivate the grace of giving personal advise ONLY when it is asked for.
                                  • One World Philosophy
                                    • open group
                                    • 4 members

                                    One World Philosophy

                                    There are just three elements in universal reality: fact, idea, and relation. The religious consciousness identifies these realities as science, philosophy, and truth. Philosophy would be inclined to view these activities as reason, wisdom, and faith -- physical reality, intellectual reality, and spiritual reality. We are in the habit of designating these realities as thing, meaning, and value.
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                                    • Soren K Vestergaard

                                      Earth: How Things Ought to Be by Soren K Vestergaard

                                      Earth: How Things Ought to Be by Soren K Vestergaard

                                      Tags: Earth, How Things Ought to Be, Soren K Vestergaard

                                      • Soren K Vestergaard

                                        Earth: How Things Ought to Be

                                        Earth: How Things Ought to Be By Soren K Vestergaard     The Geopolitical Chessboard: Navigating Earth's Complex Dynamics Earth finds itself at a pivotal moment in history, navigating the intricate web of geopolitical complexities that shape our global lands...

                                        Tags: Earth, How Things Ought to Be, By Soren K Vestergaard

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