Results for "Fellowship of The Father"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Paul Kemp Administrator

      Interests: The Spiritual Fellowship of the Father - The Brotherhood/Sisterhood of all mankind




    Discussion topics



      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Index of The Urantia Papers 5th Epochal Revelation of God to man.

        ​ INDEX OF THE URANTIA BOOK A New Revelation...FOREWARD - FOREWORD PAPER 1 - THE UNIVERSAL FATHER PAPER 2 - THE NATURE OF GO...e ascend to Paradise in obedience to the Universal Father's mandate: "Be you p...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator


          ...ned unswervingly loyal to her father-brother. 138:0.2 Until after t...edication to the doing of his Father's will, to retain the con...come Matthew and Simon to our fellowship, I am glad to witness you...t;All men are my brothers. My Father in heaven does not despise an...

        • +162 more Pages

        Top-level pages

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Questions and Answers

            ...cept of a divine and heavenly Father, prayer is always a socializing,...the indwelling Spirit of the Father. Once prayer has evolved to r...sonship and the expression of fellowship. Prayer, when indited by...your attempt to ascertain the Father’s will. If any one of y...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              INDEX THE URANTIA PAPERS 5th Epochal Revelation of God to Mankind

              INDEX OF THE URANTIA BOOK A New Revelation of Truth Served up to T...FOREWARD - FOREWORD  PAPER 1 - THE UNIVERSAL FATHER  PAPER 2 - THE N...

            • +79 more Top-level pages

            Wire posts

              • Kuruse ● Grace Chosen Children Ministry

                Brethren, the Bible says, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress,” James 1:27
                So let's remember what God wants us to do, just imagine if the orphan was your child. And...More

                • Amule Isaac RCM

                  By Amule Isaac RCM

                  Child Education Sponsorship
                  James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To …

                • +14 more Wire posts



                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    World Religions

                    Religion Evolutionary and Epochal Religion is both evolutionary and revelatory. T...lities, a glimpse of the goodness and beauty of the infinite character of the Father in heaven — the religio...

                    • Strange Preacher

                      Father & Daughter

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                    Wall posts

                      • Tumwijukye simon

                        61:7.11 100,000 years ago, during the retreat of the last glacier, the vast polar ice sh...ce. Altogether we can win. We will combine, it’s in the wind. Thank You, Father, future times Will come as Y...

                        • Tumwijukye simon

                          142:1.4 Throughout this month Jesus or one of t...aven is at hand. 2. By faith in the fatherhood of God you may enter the...lf. 4. Obedience to the will of the Father, yielding the fruits of the s...God calculated Thank You, Mother/Father/Son. Inside us all, You are...

                        • +451 more Wall posts


                          • Amule Isaac RCM

                            RCM The Land and New Project Budget

                            Restoration Of God's Glory Church Children's Ministry ● New Project Fundraiser&n...Jesus said "l am the way, the truth, and the life no one comes to the father expect through me"  ...

                            • Kirunda Sula CCM

                              Christ's Care Ministry CCM Uganda

                              Christ's Care Ministry    ...sp;upon their lives, their needs Holy Father, keep them, heal the sic...raise you.... and all above all we appreciate Holy father because  your preci...

                            • +54 more Campaigns




                            • Questions and Answers
                              • open group
                              • 6 members

                              Questions and Answers

                              One of the most effective methods of placing new truth into the inquiring minds of sincere seekers after truth is to cultivate the grace of giving personal advise ONLY when it is asked for.
                            • Students Of the 5th Epochal Revelation
                              • open group
                              • 42 members

                              Students Of the 5th Epochal Revelation

                              The call to the adventure of building a new and transformed human society by means of the spiritual rebirth of Jesus’ brotherhood of the kingdom should thrill all who believe in him as men have not been stirred since the days when they walked about on earth as his companions in the flesh.
                            • +60 more Groups


                              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                                The Fellowship of The Father

                                The Fellowship of The Father Click to Animate Right Click to Download

                                Tags: Urantia, Fellowship of The Father, Revelation Artwork

                                • Paul Kemp Administrator


                                  The Fellowship of The Father Click to Animate Right Click to Download

                                  Tags: Urantia, Fellowship of The Father, Revelation Artwork