Results for "Download Animated Urantia Artwork.Download Artwork"



    • Bill Bricker

      The Nature of Prayer

      The Nature of Prayer ~ The nature of Prayer has it's own energy and power derived from the depth...Worship. That's how I end my prayers. How do you pray? And worship ~ ~ 5:4:8 Urantia...

      • Bill Bricker

        The Sublime Personal Experience of Faith

          The Sublime Personal Experience of Faith ~   I love these few words out of the...h was undaunted even by the cruel and crushing threat of an ignominious death. Urantia...

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        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          In The Mind of God

           There is in the mind of God a plan which embraces every creature of all his vast dom...itor indwelling Max  Ehrmann  placed in his mind as he lived on Urantia...

          • Jeannie Vazquez

            To the unbelieving materialist – The Urantia Book

            Paper 102. The Foundations of Religious Faith 102:0.1 TO THE UNBELIEVING materialist, man is sim...

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            • Tumwijukye simon

              98:7.1 A Creator Son did not incarnate in the likeness of mortal flesh and bestow himself upon the humanity of Urantia...

              • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                A thrilling Faith affirmation Of Jesus Christ! Is This Not Applicable To All? The Faith Of Jesus: Jesus, The Urantia...

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              • Students Of the 5th Epochal Revelation
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                • 42 members

                Students Of the 5th Epochal Revelation

                The call to the adventure of building a new and transformed human society by means of the spiritual rebirth of Jesus’ brotherhood of the kingdom should thrill all who believe in him as men have not been stirred since the days when they walked about on earth as his companions in the flesh.
              • ET News
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                ET News

                We Are Not Alone in the Universe ● There are 619 Inhabited Worlds in our System of worlds ● The Master Universe is filled with inhabited whirling worlds of space.
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