Wall posts

    • Wandha Yoweri

      sponsor a child monthly at $30 per month only and this will include education, medication, food, water, clothings etc. These are helpless children let us help them.

      • Wandha Yoweri

        sponsor a child monthly at $30 per month only and this will include education, medication, food, water, clothings etc. These are helpless children let us help them.

        • Wandha Yoweri

          sponsor a child monthly at $30 per month only and this will include education, medication, food, water, clothings etc. These are helpless children let us help them.

          • Billy John Waiswa

            There are many children on the streets of Uganda struggling during this globa...citizens of the world to stand with these children. Please join us in this struggle for the street children. If you gave $2 today you wo...seph Foundation in this cause by donating through...

            • Nabirye Moreen

              Hallo our dear friends. I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! I am Nabirye Moreen, one of the children at Youth in Act-Uganda / His Grace Children's Home and I am the are doing to support the orphan childre...iew/12178/about/food-suport-for-the-childre...

              • Kato Pare

                Kato Pare Am called Kato pare from a rural area in ibanda district, western Uganda with peopl...ited my grandmother one day and told her that I want to pay schoolfees for your grand child m...

                • Kato Pare

                  Kato Pare Am called Kato pare from a rural area in ibanda district, western Uganda with peopl...ited my grandmother one day and told her that I want to pay schoolfees for your grand child m...

                  • Kato Pare

                    Kato Pare Am called Kato pare from a rural area in ibanda district, western Uganda with peopl...ited my grandmother one day and told her that I want to pay schoolfees for your grand child m...

                    • Kato Pare

                      Kato Pare Am called Kato pare from a rural area in ibanda district, western Uganda with peopl...ited my grandmother one day and told her that I want to pay schoolfees for your grand child m...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        Abide Forever "Every earth child who follows the leading of this spirit shall eventually know the will of God, and he who surrenders to the will of my Father shall abide forever." Jesus, 146:3.7