Results for "Urantia Book Studies"

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    • Strange Preacher


      INDEX of STRANGE PREACHER SUBSTACK ON SFN ARTICLES ON SUBSTACK ARTICLES ON SFN Why Globalists Hate Religion Shepherds Wanted The Urantia Book an...

      • Monica Kemp

        Summary of Paper 120 and 121

        Summary of Paper 120 and 121   Paper 120 of the Urantia Book is titled "The Bestowal of Michael on Urantia." It describes the nature, pu...e Son of God, on the planet Earth (Urantia). The paper discusses the...ity.   Paper 121 of the Urantia Book is...

        • Monica Kemp

          Questions asked by new readers to Urantia Book

          Questions asked by new readers to Urantia Book 1. Is this a religious mo...and our DESTINY.  The book teaches us so much more about on the day we died here on Urantia, on earth. And it will dep...decision. B. It is NOT the book we share, it is what is...

          • Monica Kemp

            Study Group Map and Links to Study Groups in Africa

            Study Group Map and Links to Study Groups in Africa  &n...s of God. DOWNLOAD A FREE EBOOK OF THE URANTIA REVELATION IN MANY LANGU...frica FER ASCENDERS URANTIA BOOK FELLOWSHIP KALIRO UGANDA Fort Portal Tourism City Urantia Book Readers Spiritual Net...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              The Urantia Book Fellowship - Discover

              The Urantia Book Fellowship - Discover  

              • Paul Kemp Administrator


                7. THE ACME OF RELIGIOUS LIVING   100:7.1 Although the average mortal of Urantia...

                • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

                  FER Ascender Teachers and Leaders Revelation Resources Page.

                  FER ASCENDERS Revelation Study Groups and Teaching Resources ...Notes: If you join one of the Urantia Study Groups or start one of...s of God. DOWNLOAD A FREE EBOOK OF THE URANTIA REVELATION IN MANY Atlanta Dr Roger Paul The Urantia Book, Synopsis of Paper—119...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Urantia Association International UAI 2023 Annual Report

                    Urantia Association International UAI 2023 Annual Report CLICK TO VIEW REPORT

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      How we got the Urantia Papers

                      How we got the Urantia Papers How We Got The Urantia Papers Just about all that...told about the origin of the Urantia Papers is to be found, here a...nd there, in The Urantia Book. A list of such references is to...ack of the dust jacket of the Book. Let us take a brief look at...

                      • Soren K Vestergaard

                        EARTH Known as URANTIA Receives the 5th Epochal Revelation

                        ...n K Vestergaard History Urantia Foundation [1] A History of the Urantia Movement By Dr. William S....Closed Group How We Got The Urantia Papers How We Did Not Get The Urantia Book Reason For Silence Respecting D...nd there, in The Urantia Book. A list of such references is...