Results for "Mafubira Youth Development Association"

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    • Gumisiriza Julius

      Dangers of spraying crops,plants and trees with Acaricides and pesticides. Spraying crops with acaricides, pesticides...o these residues through consumption can pose health risks to consumers. 4. Development...

      • Gumisiriza Julius

        God, having commanded man to be perfect, even as he is perfect, has descended as the Adj...absolute and unqualified assurance that man can find the Universal Father in association with this divine Adjuster, wh...

        • Gumisiriza Julius

          The term Urantia Midwayer refers to a concept found in the philosophical and religious wor...wayers participate in the spiritual guidance and development of the human race and act as...beings. They have a vital role in the spiritual development...

          • Gumisiriza Julius

            Changing Public Policy to Restore Water Worldwide + Coppice Agroforestry Webinars Hey Folks, I wanted to share two...ter cycle with Martin Kováč, former Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development...

            • Niwamanya Onesmas

              Dear brothers and sisters in the Urantia family, As we delve into Papers 126-129, we embark on...and later adult years. We witness his transformation from a curious and adventurous youth to a...

              • Tumwijukye simon

                THE problems associated with human existence on Urantia are impossible of understanding without a knowledge of certain...ution, it did markedly modify the course of socialevolution and of spiritual development...

                • Tumwijukye simon

                  During an epic journey in AD 70, the old sandal maker, Caleb, risks his life as he and his daug...he Roman siege that destroys the Holy City. His intriguing story of the days of his youth, a fa...