Gumisiriza Julius's Wall

    • Gumisiriza Julius
      Gumisiriza Julius

      The term Urantia Midwayer refers to a concept found in the philosophical and religious work .

      Urantia Midwayers are a unique group of spiritual beings who reside on Earth, also known as Urantia. These Midwayers participate in the spiritual guidance and development of the human race and act as a bridge between humans and higher spiritual realms. They possess abilities and attributes that make them capable of assisting humans in their spiritual journey. There are two groups included in the term Midwayers. The primary and secondary Midwayers .

      The primary Midwayers are a unique group of beings who serve as intermediaries between humans and celestial beings. They have a vital role in the spiritual development and upliftment of humanity. The Urantia Book mentions many Midwayers,

      Van, Amadon, and the Melchizedeks utilized the skills of these midway beings in their own work in the world. The chief of the Primary Midwayers 123 is the only Midwayer who has left Urantia when he was assigned to the 4 and 20 Elders who govern this world and 36 other fallen worlds by Christ. Machiventa a celestial being associated with the cosmic management of various tasks in our universe was appointed as Vicegerent Planetary Prince as well. Machiventa Melchizedek played a prominent role in Urantia's (Earth's) spiritual history by appearing as an extraordinary figure during ancient times. He appeared on earth 1,973 years before Christ to prepare the way for Jesus. Machiventa Melchizedek was instrumental in guiding and promoting spiritual growth and understanding on our planet.

      The Secondary Midwayers are a unique group of celestial beings that bridge the gap between humans and angels. They are referred to as secondary because they assist the primary Midwayer group, Secondary Midwayers are known for their diverse abilities, including their communication skills, technological expertise, and their ability to interact with humans in a more direct manner than angels. They are said to play a crucial role in the spiritual and intellectual progress of humanity. Their chief work today is that of unperceived personal-liaison associates of those men and women who constitute the planetary reserve corps of destiny. Today both orders act as The United Midwayers of Urantia. Their determination is suggested by the motto of their order: "What the United Midwayers undertake, the United Midwayers do."