Results for "Restoration Of God's Glory Church Children's Ministry"

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    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Be not discouraged Be not discouraged; human evolution is still in progress, and the revelation of God to the world, in and through Jesus, shall not fail. 196:3.33

      • Tumwijukye simon

        1:4.5 The divine mystery consists in the inherent difference which exists between the finite and the infinite, the temporal and the eternal, the time-space creature and...

        • Tumwijukye simon

          12:7.7 The will of God does not uniformly prevail in the heart of the God-seeking material mortal, but if the time frame is enlarged beyond the moment to embrace the who...

          • Gumisiriza Julius

            What Happens when we die children's version. This question is from the new student who has just joined. Likely answer I gave him. According to The Urantia Book, when...

            • Tumwijukye simon

              39:4.14 The keys of the kingdom of heaven are: sincerity, more sincerity, and more sincerity. All men have these keys. Men use them – advance in spirit status – by decis...

              • Tumwijukye simon

                141:5.1 One of the most eventful of all the evening conferences at Amathus was the session having to do with the discussion of spiritual unity. James Zebedee had asked,...

                • Tumwijukye simon

                  103:1.1 The unity of religious experience among a social or racial group derives from the identical nature of the God fragment indwelling the individual. It is this divi...

                  • Tumwijukye simon

                    92:5.16 The future of Urantia will doubtless be characterized by the appearance of teachers of religious truth – the Fatherhood of God and the fraternity of all creature...

                    • Tumwijukye simon

                      2:6.3 The "richness of the goodness of God leads erring man to repentance." "Every good gift and every perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights." "God is good;...

                      • Tumwijukye simon

                        107:5.2 Since Adjusters can plan, work, and love, they must have powers of selfhood which are commensurate with mind. They are possessed of unlimited ability to communic...