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      What Happens when we die children's version.
      This question is from the new student who has just joined. Likely answer I gave him.

      According to The Urantia Book, when we die, our mortal life on Earth comes to an end, and we transition to the next phase of our existence in the afterlife. Here are some relevant quotations from The Urantia Book regarding what happens when we die:

      1. "When a planetary system is settled in life, its inhabited worlds become the wards of a watchcare council of ascendant beings." (Paper 30:1.1)
      This quote suggests that after death, individuals become the responsibility of higher beings who guide and care for them in the afterlife.

      2. "Mortal death […] results in the liberation of the indwelling Monitor" (Paper 112:2.12)
      This quote indicates that after death, the indwelling divine presence called the "Monitor" (referring to the Thought Adjuster or Fragment of God within each person) is released from the physical body.

      3. "On the mansion worlds, […] you will resume your intellectual training and spiritual development at the exact level whereon they were interrupted by death." (Paper 55:8.12)
      This passage suggests that after death, individuals continue their spiritual and intellectual growth in the mansion worlds, picking up from where they left off in their mortal life.

      4. "The essence of Jerusem citizenship is the willingness to subordinate self to faithful and loving service, to loyalty and devotion to doing the Father's will." (Paper 45:2.1)
      This quote indicates that in the afterlife, a focus on service and being aligned with the divine will is significant.

      5. " On the mansion worlds, the resurrected mortal survivors resume their lives just where they left off when overtaken by death." (Paper 47:9.2)
      This passage implies that after death, individuals continue their lives in the afterlife from where they left off in terms of personal progress and development.

      These quotations describe that death is not the end, but rather a continuation of our journey in the spiritual realms, where we continue to learn, grow, and serve.

      How death is talked about in the Urantia teachings.?
      Possible answer.
      In The Urantia Book, death is described as the "natural" end of life and a transition to the next life beyond the physical realm. Here are a few quotations from The Urantia Book that pertain to death:

      1. "Death is only the beginning of an endless career of adventure, an everlasting life of anticipation, an eternal voyage of discovery." (Paper 34:7.7)

      2. "Though death terminates the mortal career, it is only the beginning of an entirely new experience for the resurrected soul." (Paper 110:6.5)

      3. "The moment you remove your mind and endowments from this world, you take your first step upon the eternal career of Paradise service." (Paper 39:5.10)

      4. "In death, the consciousness of personality is suspended; the human personality is not present in the surviving soul of natural death." (Paper 112:4.17)

      5. "You begin over there right where you leave off down here." (Paper 47:1.3)

      These quotes suggest that death is not the end of existence but rather a transition to a new phase of spiritual growth and exploration. It is considered a natural process that leads to an eternal life in the spiritual realms.

      Hopefully you can share with the study group