Tumwijukye simon's Wall

    • Tumwijukye simon
      Tumwijukye simon

      12:7.7 The will of God does not uniformly prevail in the heart of the God-seeking material mortal, but if the time frame is enlarged beyond the moment to embrace the whole of the first life, then does God’s will become increasingly discernible in the spirit fruits which are borne in the lives of the spirit-led children of God. And then, if human life is further enlarged to include the morontia experience, the divine will is observed to shine brighter and brighter in the spiritualizing acts of those creatures of time who have begun to taste the divine delights of experiencing the relationship of the personality of man with the personality of the Universal Father.

      Wave the Flag
      Much to do on this fine day.
      I’ll cope with all that comes my way.
      Various areas are portrayed
      In the landscape where I play.

      Beset with soreness in my bones,
      A snotty nose I must bemoan.
      A scratchy throat I will resist.
      To gargle more I will persist.

      Do the things that help you out.
      Then help another, give them clout.
      Try to be the most ideal
      Person who can think and feel.

      Don’t just play upon emotion.
      Show your love has deep devotion.
      Give your all to how you live.
      Then try to do your best to give.

      Look inside and gather courage.
      Sincerely look so there’s no shortage.
      Honor truth, and look for love.
      God will help you to evolve.

      Time it takes to make improvements.
      You must access your current movements.
      Look for how you could be better.
      Do your best, a real go-getter.

      Thank You, Father, for all things.
      Your Love is what I wish to bring.
      Increase the Love that’s in the world.
      Help Your flag to be unfurled.