Results for "Nsaba Orphanage Butiki Uganda"

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    • Wanyama John

      Yesterday we were blessed by a loving friend and man of God Waiswa John Billy who delivered Urantia books to us at the Orphanage.

      • Nayebare Grace

        My name is Nayebare Grace I am 16 years old. I am from Western Uganda in Ibanda district.We are 3 children, 2 girls and 1 boy, and I am the first born in our family. I lost my father at the young ag...

        • Billy John Waiswa

          Dear friends, Greetings to you. Hope all is well with you!...ial Medias have been shut down by the government of Uganda since 12th January 2021. Thes...t due to the internet and social media shut down in Uganda. This is yet another new mont...

          • Kirya  Sam

            Hello members greetings from Uganda and hope you are having a good day

            • Mudumba Joel

              Children of fountain of love orphanage showing much interest in the Urentia book in having...ucking due adaily basis rain that we are having in uganda...basic needs since its sofar ayear fountain of love orphanage has not recieved any donat...

              • Mudumba Joel

                Hello brothers and sister as me Mudumba Joel director Fountain of love orphanage am here to inform you all that my ministry...tered so I humbly request for your financial help to allow fountain of love orphan...

                • Evangelist  George  Kateu

                  Hello everyone, greetings from Uganda and Garden of Hope Children's Ministry Uganda. Hope all is well and God is still protecting you and your family.

                  • Mudumba Joel

                    Hello friends, how are you all. I am Mudumba Joel the director of Fountain of Love Orphanage. We are looking after 26 orphan childre.... This process requires us to have $300 in order to be a fully regitered orphan...

                    • Mudumba Joel

                      Hello brothers and sisters please our country has been out back to rock down due to the high covid-19 spread in Uganda and we really seriously put o...

                      • Mudumba Joel

                        Hello brothers and sisters I great you all in the night name of our lord jesus christ... I...want to inform you all that our president here in Uganda...od in stock to feed our needy little angels in the orphanage so I request all the good...