Results for "God's Cricket Choir"

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    • Tumwijukye simon

      113:1.1 The teaching about guardian angels is not a myth; certain groups of human beings do actually have personal angels. It was in recognition of this that Jesus, in...

      • Tumwijukye simon

        116:4.10 When the bestowal Sons reveal new ways for man to find God, they are not creating these paths of divinity attainment; rather are they illuminating the everlas...

        • Tumwijukye simon

          THE CERTAINTY OF SALVATION Jesus lived and died for a whole universe, not just for the races of this one world. While the mortals of the realms had salvation even b...

          • Tumwijukye simon

            Lead the mankind to search for God. When you are blessed with spiritual vision, go forth to your work, dedicating your life to the cause of leading mankind to search for God and to seek eternal realities with the eye of spiritual faith and not with the eyes of the material mind.

            • Tumwijukye simon

              0:13.3 We are fully cognizant of the difficulties of our assignment; we recognize the impossibility of fully translating the language of the concepts of divinity and e...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                132:3.6 Faith acts to release the superhuman activities of the divine spark, the immortal germ, that lives within the mind of man, and which is the potential of eterna...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Be not discouraged Be not discouraged; human evolution is still in progress, and the revelation of God to the world, in and through Jesus, shall not fail. 196:3.33

                  • Tumwijukye simon

                    1:4.5 The divine mystery consists in the inherent difference which exists between the finite and the infinite, the temporal and the eternal, the time-space creature an...

                    • Tumwijukye simon

                      12:7.7 The will of God does not uniformly prevail in the heart of the God-seeking material mortal, but if the time frame is enlarged beyond the moment to embrace the w...

                      • Gumisiriza Julius

                        What Happens when we die children's version. This question is from the new student who has just joined. Likely answer I gave him. According to The Urantia Book, wh...