Results for "Food Forest Program"

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    • Ngambeki Barnabas

      Has you see this is life we leave in we don't have enough school fees and also we don't have enough food we live in a village without going to school as you see pics those are my best brothers .....

      • Kisegerwa

        Donate food for little children' Gofundeme:

        • Kisegerwa

          • Billy John Waiswa

            Hello friends, greetings to you all. This is a humble request to you to support us start the children and would like to start growing our own food from the garden as this will be a reliable source of food fo...

            • Kisegerwa


              • Kisegerwa

                Please help and Share,

                • Kisegerwa


                  • Hope and Rescue Missions International

                    Hello my friends . How are you doing there. I would like you to inform you that things are is unavailable. They need something at least for the proper running of the school. Food ha...

                    • Ssengendo Yasin Siginalamina

                      Hello brothers and sisters.Thank you very much for standing with...when we are to have a farming program at the orphanage home we n...of 3 acres where we can grow food crops ,vegetables,beans whic...phanage a sustainable home in food a...hat we stop spending money on food and we can still sell some of th...

                      • Kyabwe Hope Amal

                        Father, Praise You for the nourishment the You provide. Thank You for meeting our physical n...hunger and thirst. Forgive us for taking that simple joy for granted, and bless this food to...