Results for "Daily Life at Holy Life Orphanage"

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    • Soren K Vestergaard

      Are you in deep problems, then remember this: "To accept the guidance of a seraphim rarely means attaining a life of ease. In following this leading you are sure to encounter, and if you have the courage, to traverse, the rugged hills of moral choosing and spiritual progress."

      • Niwamanya Onesmas

        Wednesday zoom meeting study on the Urantia Spiritual Brotherhood zoom meeting Yester...t come not from wealth or status, but from living a life of love, compassion, and serv...of forgiveness and mercy. As I reflected on my own life, I s...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Doing Good behooves the Master's followers in all ages to learn to minister as "they pass by" — to do unselfish good as they go about their daily duties. 171:7.10

          • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

            Hello everyone; I hope this finds you well. I wanted to update you o...iness community and gain valuable life skills and career guidance. but also provided food for the orphanage, supporting our school projec...ship Community Kaliro Uganda and Orphanage in the near future. Thanks to...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              The Father "No man in this world now sees the Father except the Son who came forth from the Father. But if the Son be lifted up, he will draw all men to himself, and whosoever believes this truth of the combined nature of the Son shall be endowed with life that is more than age-abiding." 157:6.10

              • Tumwijukye simon

                The Urantia Book depicts the life of Jesus Christ in a more was a divine personality who wanted to experience the life of a human being ¹. - Jesus'...others and sisters ¹. - The Urantia Book narrates Jesus' life from...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Socialization of Religion There is a real purpose in the socialization of religion. It is...; to enhance the service of unselfish fellowship; to glorify the potentials of family life......

                  • Gumisiriza Julius