Results for "Streams of Life Children's Home"

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    • Mugweri Philly

      We decided to register 32 Children to be helped by Muga Child Outreach. It's unfortunate that we can only meet needs for only 13 Children. This leaves others in a stat...

      • Mugweri Philly

        WHO IS MUGWERI PHILLY? Philly grew up in a poor family and became a sponsored child at the age of 6 years. Philly successful completed high school and had an ambition...

        • Mwandha Julius

          This is Musika Patrick, he is a boy having 1 and a half years. He needs treatment and surgery on...he has water in the head. The hospital needs $300 to do everything needed to save his life...

          • Mwandha Julius

            This is Igulu Waiswa, he is a boy having 5 years. He needs treatment and surgery on his head and...he has water in the head. The hospital needs $300 to do everything needed to save his life...

            • Hope and Rescue Missions International

              In life no one chooses to be an orphan. No parent wishes to die and leave his or her children without security. Orphans are living in a life...

              • Marissa Bodden

                We have received all of the mattresses for the 35 children in care at The built on. Currently the children have been staying in Ronald’s home and we would like to provide them with a home with plenty of space. Ronald...

                • Matte Jockas

                  A CHILD'S SMILE IS EVERYTHING - Poem by HORVATH CHILDRENS FOUNDATION UGANDA Only in a world o...and create. Only in vicinity of the learned, Can a child imbibe the essentials of life...

                  • Nsaba Bashiri

                    Hello friends join us to sponsor these children in their education, you can look at our children sponsorship Album through this link,https://spiritual

                    • Mugweri Philly

                      Jesus is the son of God. He lived a sinless life and then died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. Christ Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except by Jesus Christ. Amen

                      • Wandha Yoweri

                        sponsor a child monthly at $30 per month only and this will include education, medication, food, water, clothings etc. These are helpless children let us help them.