Results for "SoulPlus Fellowship Foundation Build an Opportunity for Africa"

Wall posts

    • Billy John Waiswa

      Calling for your support to an African child

      • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

        FER ASCENDERS URANTIA BOOK FELLOWSHIP KALIRO UGANDA. group leaders meeting about formation and administration of the project.

        • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

          Hello brothers and sisters in fellowship. I'm a UB reader and a teacher as well. It's my pleasure to share with you this information. I have shared the new Reveration w...

          • Godwin Nasser

            rence CampaignsGodwin NasserFUNDRAISER FOR EDUCATION AND FOOD DonateShareFUNDRAISER F...Donations English This Godwin Nasser from western Uganda in eastern Africa,l aged 19 years,we are six ch...

            • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

              FER ASCENDERS URANTIA BOOK FELLOWSHIP KALRO is to foster the study of The Urantia Book and to disseminate its teachings. Revelatory teachings transform lives, and tran...

              • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

                We welcome you to FER ASCENDERS URANTIA BOOK FELLOWSHIP KALIRO, We inv...tion to this world. FER ASCENDERS URATIA BOOK FELLO...ty, and goodness. FER ASCENDERS Urantia Book Fellowship...Being a member of FER Ascenders Urantia Book Fellow...

                • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

                  The religious challenge of this age is to those farseeing and forward-looking men and women of s...local communities. To succeed in this ambitious program, FER Ascenders Urantia Book Fellow...

                  • Deadrick Baker ∴ The Legacy

                    The Legacy ∴ A Foundation For Human Progress YouTube Translating The Truth (UB or Not) into a way the young generation & the average person can understand. Would love ur feedback guys

                    • Najibu

                      Homeless children foundation please help

                      • Gracious International Ministry G.I.M

                        Today on 4/6/2021 Friday by 03:20pm as Gracious International Ministry G.I.M we have never...nough land for our project, 2= Lack of enough money for building th...ed from the country, we ask you the help so that we can build...