Gumpi Andrew Cohen's Wall

    • Gumpi Andrew Cohen
      Gumpi Andrew Cohen

      Hello brothers and sisters in fellowship.
      I'm a UB reader and a teacher as well. It's my pleasure to share with you this information.
      I have shared the new Reveration with some of my community members those who have gone to school and those have not but I have realized that they love the new Reveration equally but the challenge is that the one who can not read the book is at a disadvantage of not getting any thing yet such people also deserve this New Reveration to transform.
      Therefore my brothers who got the same challenge, this is how I have gone about it, I read the paper and story tell to those who can read understand English.
      However, I have come to make my own conclusions about the new Reveration, the UB book can not be preached but can betaught to people.