Wall posts

    • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

      Hello brothers and sisters in fellowship. I'm a UB reader and a teacher as well. It's my pleasure to share with you this infor...

      • Godwin Nasser

        rence CampaignsGodwin NasserFUNDRAISER FOR EDUCATION AND FOOD Dona...EDUCATION AND FOOD About the campaign Comments Campaign news...5c2eb8e3c4f5e39988dbd Unfollow Edit discovery settings Add news...

        • Deadrick Baker ∴ The Legacy

          The Legacy ∴ A Foundation For Human Progress YouTube Translating The Truth (UB or Not) into a way the young generation & the average person can understand. Would love ur feedback guys

          • Helmut Wallner

            Let me inform you all that we have also opened a FB Messenger Group: "EUROPEAN AFRICAN FAMILIES UNITED" You are welcome to join this Group or ask for Invitation! Let us get in contact with each other & have some blessed conversations!

            • Deadrick Baker ∴ The Legacy

              The Legacy ∴ What is Religion? (God & Religion)

              • Kato Pare


                • Yourantiaman

                  With Light, Life & Love will we move forward into higher perceptions of truth , beauty and goodness, toward perfection in spirit and personality.

                  • Musasizi aggrey

                    Hello brothers and sisters am musasizi aggrey from Uganda Please donate to us our children at the orphanage home are starving to hunger

                    • The Way, The Truth And Life Service Foundation

                      Reasons for reading Urantia 1. is one of those rare books that can ac...tually transform your thinking and your life 2. provides new information about God 3. provides new infor...

                      • Alberta-Agorists

                        RE: Tragedy In Rural Alberta, A Courageous Doctor Speaks Out. Daniel Nagase--ONE of only a...ainly are taking those names. LIKE THIS SHILL..DEAN BLUNDELL