Results for "The Plan to Control every Aspect of Human Experience"

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    • Hope and Rescue Missions International a lot of sunshine that we experience during this period However...children move 1 ½ kilometers every morning to reach the nearby s...long distance that they move every day. On matters concerning a...tack and eat some of them Our plans for the poultry project It is in...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Choosing the Divine Will If any man chooses to do the divine will, he shall know the way of truth. It is literally true, "Human things must be known in order to be loved, but divine things must be loved in order to be known." 102:1.1

        • raglanlad

          Celebrating Sustainability of the Human Spirit: I’ve had a long life desire to share insp...ur unique perspective on the topic. We will cover, everything from walking meditations...y exist? - how does inspiration/creativity enrich humanity?...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            4./ The Spiritual World In the physical universe we may see the divine beauty, in the intellectual world we may discern eternal truth, but the goodness of God is found only in the spiritual world of personal religious experience. 2:6.1

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              That which the enlightened and reflective human imagination of spiritual teaching and leading wholeheartedly and unselfishly wants to do and be, becomes measurably creative in...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Upon the attainment of the finaliter levels of ascendant experience, these spirits of the sixth stage appear to transmute some...ich had previously functioned as liaison between the divine and human phases of such ascending personali...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Be not discouraged; human evolution is still in progress, and the revelation of God to the world, in and through Jesus, shall not fail. 196:3.33

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Man, the civilized, will someday achieve relative mastery of the physical forces of his planet; the love of God in his heart will be effectively outpoured as love for his fellow men, while the values of human existence will be nearing the limits of mortal capacity. 118:10.14

                    • Monica Kemp

                      Increasing Happiness Increasing happiness is always the experience of all who are certain about God. The Urantia Book, (159:3.10)

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        Spiritual Assurance Formula Spiritual assurance is the equivalent of your personal religious experience in the eternal realities of divine truth and is otherwise equal to your intelligent understanding of truth realities plus your spiritual faith and minus your honest doubts. Jesus 146:3.4