Results for "Children's Registry"

Wall posts

    • Mulopi Moris

      A ray of Hope to Uganda's Street Children. Every child deserves a chance to dream, learn, and grow. Let's give them...ure. Please consider making a donation today, and be the ray of hope in these children...

      • Tumwijukye simon

        Poignant last words of Steve Jobs, billionaire, dead at 56: "I have reached the pinnacle of success in business." In other people's eyes my life is a success. However, a...

        • Tumwijukye simon

          113:1.1 The teaching about guardian angels is not a myth; certain groups of human beings do actually have personal angels. It was in recognition of this that Jesus, in s...

          • Tumwijukye simon

            70:2.10 At one time physicians believed in bloodletting as a cure for many diseases, but they have since discovered better remedies for most of these disorders. And so m...

            • Tumwijukye simon

              70:3.4&5 The peace of Urantia will be promoted far more by international trade organizations than by all the sentimental sophistry of visionary peace planning. Trade...

              • Tumwijukye simon

                12:7.7 The will of God does not uniformly prevail in the heart of the God-seeking material mortal, but if the time frame is enlarged beyond the moment to embrace the who...

                • Gumisiriza Julius

                  What Happens when we die children's version. This question is from the new student who has just joined. Likely answer I gave him. According to The Urantia Book, when...

                  • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

                    FER Integrated Community School Management. The number of children and women seeking assistance form FER-ICS is growing rampantly but the organization does not have adeq...

                    • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

                      Just had our Annual general meeting with the FER Anscender 's members and the community friends! We are breaking off for the school Xmas holiday, workers have accepted t...

                      • Tumwijukye simon

                        2:2.7 Human limitations, potential evil, are not a part of the divine nature, but mortal experience with evil and all man’s relations thereto are most certainly a part o...