Results for "TED"

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    • Tom

      Have you seen this btw ? Important. Dr. Kaufman talks about the 6666 Tracing Resolution Congress passed and at the 30:00 minute mark and electric DNA modifying vaccine Gates (AntiChrist) wants us all injected with at the 47:00 minute mark:

      • Kagoye Ivan (Bolm)

        ...d shortage, demostic violence and many others due to lock downs and quarantines. Acase in point as Bridge of life Jinja Uganda, we are majorly affected in terms of food shortage in...

        • Robert Kirabira

          ...ets big enough that they can share with a sibling, so they can experience what it is like to be able to give. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about our cu...

          • give hope ministries uganda

            ...ed us to be here today, I prayto our children at Give Hope ministries Uganda to have a great day, we pray that our fundraiser is linked to soft hearted people so save our home, than...

            • Abigaba Rachael

              Spiritual Family, I appreciate your consideration for me, we are really a family with the same Heavenly Father, that's what our older brother, Jesus, wants. May we have a feeling of brotherhood with everyone connected with the Fatherhood of God.

              • Billy John Waiswa

                Hello friends, greetings. We are having an emergency at the children's home. One of our children Muyende Rayan is sick and has been admitted in hospital since Thursday last week. I...

                • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

                  ...never new what he would become later after all what he was going through. In all circumstances, he had one person who really believed him and trusted him and that is his mother, n...

                  • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

          , when Jesus was demanded to perform miracles which he was not ready to do, he had no plans to perform miracles as his father had not instructed him to do. despite his mother...

                    • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

                      ...ENDERS URATIA BOOK FELLOWSHIP KALIRO members have discovered the integrated beauty of its supernal teachi...rofound depths of The Urantia Book’s teachings with others who are motivated to improve their lives and el...

                      • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

                        ...g men and women of spiritual insight who will dare to construct a new and appealing philosophy of living out of the enlarged and exquisitely integrated modern concepts of cosmic tru...